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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Love your Parents… Discover yourself!!

Yesterday wasn’t any other regular day… it is my Grand father’s birthday!! Which prompted a very brilliant conversation with my Mom. For years now, my mom has a HIGH on thought LOW on emotion day on her parents birthdays and death anniversaries and each of these days brings her to rather significant moments in her relationship with herself and deeper sharing with me.

Today, as mom shared with me, her tears of this morning, as she spoke to her father in prayer, I discovered the reason why she spoke to me about it… I discovered something special about the way we all are and why we all are the way we are with our parents and it’s an interesting piece of information that I’d really like to share with the rest of you too!!

Children are the evolved DNA of their parents and therefore we ARE really all that our parents aspired to be… just a more evolved version!! You may agree to disagree… and yet somewhere, right in the middle of the debate, you may want to make a quick comparison of the thoughts your parents haven’t shared with you… and yet… will be super proud of you taking life a step beyond where they stood… we are our parents THOUGHT become THINGS!! Amazing, isn’t it!!

You can almost write the story of your life, if you’re able to communicate with your parents and get a glimpse into the thoughts of their growing years!! A parent’s fear for their child comes from the fact that they THOUGHT but didn’t know how to make it a thing. Yet God’s mysterious ways… and the truth of life… ALL THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS… and in this life… they are called children!! Smile

Here’s a small piece of advice to all CHILDREN, irrespective of what age they are Winking smile.

Irrespective of the journey thus far, make your self available to your parents, share with them the deepest relationship of your entire being, know that you are an evolved version of them. I understand that we all have a difference of opinion for most of our living years and a lot we may choose not to agree on and yet, we ARE who we are because of their strongest thoughts… Celebrate this knowing… celebrate a deeper relationship with yourself by understanding your deeper evolution!!! Winking smile 

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Gratitude is victory of Faith over FACT!!!

To all of you who have begun using the power of Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!!

When we begin to follow the path of Gratitude, a greater inner healing begins. This has been my experience with Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS. The gap is really the amount of “awareness of the process” of aligning to Gratitude from a deeper more complete perspective.

Since I begun my work with Gratitude, I’ve learnt a lot about the gap of knowledge between being in Gratitude and BEING GRATITUDE!!

When we first begin to use the phrase, we’re almost like little children with a new toy, we dabble with the thought all day long, completely love it. Its so wonderful that we accept the abundance without question… then comes phase II… when we begin to use GRATITUDE with a NEED for proof… and this happens when we begin to CONSCIOUSLY and conditionally begin to use the phrase to seek SPECIFIC results… this is when Gratitude becomes conditional and less effective for our awareness is in the PROOF not in the KNOWING!!

As I continued to express gratitude for this new awareness, at a subconscious level, the cleansing began. I can promise you, that every thought challenged the very belief of “Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS”, it felt like GRATITUDE itself was conspiring against me… challenging me to take a leap of faith and land by chance!! Lucky me… Faith won over fact… and I live to this day to share this KNOWING!! Smile 

So, here’s my advice to you… if life seems a little tougher instead of easier… celebrate it!! It is in this phase that you are being refined from within, cleansed of conditions and conditional restrictions… ACCEPT this phase for the sheer joy of the victory of Faith over Fact… for Gratitude is the greatest gift of faith… and the greatest testimony of FAITH!!

Have you ever heard that a successful person put fact before faith??? Have you ever heard a success story without the experience of a greater faith and gratitude before the big break! If you feel you’re sinking in the circumstance… it’s time to ALLOW Gratitude to give you the wings to take flight!!!

Know Allow Accept Manifest… Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Experience a Miracle… We ARE!!!

How often have you read posts and books on inspired lives and love and here we are … still waiting for the miracle to HAPPEN… waiting that the miracle is someone outside of our imagination that will some day or at some given moment pop out of a box so that we can exclaim it a great day in our lives, having received a MIRACLE!!!

If you too feel that you can totally relate to the first paragraph… well then.. I have news for you… it’s only normal to understand a miracle as an external source… and accept it with so much disbelief… that the first sentence usually is… “I don’t believe this… it’s a miracle.” A miracle is often an occurrence beyond our physical understanding and imagination of HOW!!

Here, let me introduce you, to what I have now understood to be the greatest miracle of God’s creation… YOU as the external I… and ME as the I, I am… and in the collective of creation WE... All parts of the same source.

Why then must we not rejoice each day and jump for the joy of knowing that the greatest Miracle of life is really the We we are. Look at it this way…

We are created in God’s own image and likeness, we therefore have a greater responsibility to live a life of JOY and ABUNDANCE! For the God who created us, created ALL THAT IS!!

We are exclusively created, we are unique. We may look similar to another, we may speak in a similar manner, we may even share a name… but the I that we are… is unique to us… there will never be anyone else who can take our place!! I am the only me… there will ever be!!!

YOU, I , WE are the REAL miracles for even though each one of us leads a life so different from the other, the common bond is CREATION itself, why then MUST I look for a miracle beyond ME… Why must you look for a miracle outside of YOU… Why should WE ever stop to sigh… when we’re the MIRACLE we’re always waiting to acknowledge.

I pledge to always remember that I am the greatest miracle of God’s creation by birth… Each breath is a reminder that I am a miracle and uniquely gifted and created by God!!

Here’s a warm HUG to acknowledge the Miracle I AM and acknowledge the miracle YOU ARE, to acknowledge the collective miracles WE ARE!!!\

Dedicated to being a MIRACLE

Enthusiastically ACCEPTING it NOW

Empowered in this KNOWING

Positively acknowledging it with EACH BREATH

I am DeePositive

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Aligning a DeePositive Day!!!

Divinity has a wonderful wonderful way of opening up new vistas of gratitude for us to align ourselves. Its like a treasure hunt… You find one small incident to be grateful for and begin the hunt for the next or for that matter, you find one thing to be annoyed about and the next follows!!

I am a sucker for empowering moments and each day, God gives me the opportunity to walk into one more such space… the ones I cherish are those that find me Smile.

We live in a dynamic world of THOUGHT become thing… with the potential that every THOUGHT is a THING in the making, our pattern of Manifesting is largely dependent on our ability to filter the thoughts and align ourselves with more empowered thoughts that will bring us to a point of REJOICING with the KNOWINGNESS of the INFINITE abundance we have access to.

Imagine, if ONLY we could’ve maintained a journal of all the wonderful THOUGHTS from the day we were born… we’d have a couple of books out in the market of super positive perspectives for the world to read!!!

We begin our day with the newspapers… that more often than not is filled with thoughts that have become things and taken a rather ugly turn. The subjects covered are of human error and terror and hurt and pain. We, therefore begin our day with our awareness deep in sorrow and our pain expanded into the collective pain of the newspapers!! Right through our day we meet more people who have begun their day similarly… hence the collective awareness continues to grow in the same direction, which the newspaper points out to… and the collective manifestation of all this communication is what continues to fill our world with this collective thought!!

If the first thought we woke up with each morning is Gratitude… then we’ll begin to spend a day in the AWARENESS of ALL THAT IS around us to be more grateful about!! Now that is what a Dedicated, Enthusiastic, Empowered and Positive life is all about… without doubt… it isn’t the easiest switch to make… However… is a SWITCH worth making really… I know how Divinity changed my life… when I did!!!

Relationships reveal YOU :)

Oh Yes!! I can see that smile on your face as you begin to read this post…. this is a hot topic at any age Smile

We’ve been blessed with a plethora of different relationships through our life experiences… some of them empower us and yet others bring us down… and above all of this, our relationships heal us into better people!

I asked God to reveal to me the essence of being in a relationship with another and here’s the answer I received::

You are in a relationship, first with me… through me… with YOU and through YOU with the rest of creation. Limit not the relationship with a tag… my mother, my father, my sister, my brother, my husband, my child… these are restrictive ways to look at a relationship. To impact a relationship look at the spectrum it begins to represent in your life… a relationship is like a rainbow… and yet it is but a refraction of a single source.

It is I … in the many forms radiating through you… In restricting yourself to the literal meaning of the WORD… you are, at a subconscious level choosing to LIMIT your experiences, the vibrations of the WORD!!

…. and the voice in my head STOPS… and the person I am begins to LINK and think… HOW TRUE IS THIS TO MY LIFE… ?… and I smile… for it’s taken a couple of power filled sentences to bring me to a point where the BIGGER PICTURE is revealed and the power of Gratitude fills my awareness with a deeper more meaningful RELATIONSHIP!!

Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

God… Power Source!!

God to many is an awe inspiring power source of energy… when you align your thoughts with the power source all that is in your immediate surrounding begins to radiate the power source and your immediate understanding begins to expand into the KNOWINGNESS of the POWER SOURCE!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

The power of INTENT

The power of INTENT is the most crucial part of leading a manifesting life. For it is your deepest intent that is often your dominant thought… and it is this DOMINANT thought that manifests!!!

We have not been told often enough to be AWARE of our INTENTIONS… We’ve been made to understand, I say this for me and you’re free to agree or disagree… that INTENTION has been a word associated with praying for the self or others. The priest says, “now pray for your own personal intentions”.

Intention is really the base thought from your head that leads you along the path you CHOOSE to follow… An intent is a brilliant way to track your follow through… to ATTRACT your follow through on any dominant subject on your mind. The process is so smooth, that you don’t actually realise the POINT OF SWITCH… from thinking a particular thought to begin the process of manifesting it.

This example can be most experienced in our everyday relationships with people and things. Do you know someone who ALWAYS has a problem??? If you do, I’d like you to take a moment right now and recall a conversation with that person. Their communication… more often than not will be filled with problems or mentioning of it or experiences of it… the base FEELING is filled with the awareness of that particular problem and hence the process of attracting MORE problems RELATED to it becomes their magnetic field. Hence, knowingly or unknowingly… they draw similar experiences to themselves.

Therefore, if we continued to remain AWARE of our INTENT it would be easier to magnetise SPECIFIC experiences into our lives and be filled with MORE of what we want… rather than COMPROMISING with what is happening and calling it DESTINY!!!

If our INTENT is focused therefore on Gratitude… We will continue to magnetise more gratitude into our everyday lives. We will continue to magnetise more people to whom we radiate gratitude and through whom we will continue to receive more awareness of the little things in our own lives we may have forgotten to express gratitude for.

Each day… We must begin our day with the INTENT of Gratitude… that, with each breath a greater awareness of Gratitude may fill our lives and give us a chance to CONTINUE to remain in the VIBRATION of Gratitude.

Yes!!! You will meet people who are seemingly UNGRATEFUL, seemingly unhappy, seemingly under the weather figuratively, through Gratitude, you’ll only magnetise HOW TO MAKE THEM FEEL BETTER and HELP them switch back to the VIBRATION of Gratitude… Remember, they are attracted to you through the magnetic vibration of Gratitude, that they too may experience it. This is an empowered moment… and empowered feeling and the joy of it is ALLOWING gratitude to lead you THROUGH these communications. Gratitude, begins to use YOU as a tool to BRING a GREATER EXPERIENCE of Gratitude into your OWN life… by RADIATING it into the lives of those around you.

… A grateful heart reaches straight back at you to let you know that it has received from you with gratitude!!! This is the best feeling to get right through your day!!!

Have a Gratitude filled experience in THIS MOMENT knowing that WE at DeePositive are grateful to you for reading and ALLOWING our gratitude to fill your AWARENESS and thus EXPAND the AWARENESS of Gratitude through YOU!!!

Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Thank you!!!

The words are so special since the first memory takes me back to my Nana… who used it most regularly, with a smile… For some reason… she always used it in triplicate…

Thank you… Thank You… Thank You

Last week… years after she said Goodbye in body… I heard the similar intonation from my little nephew Veer… who is all of 4years and 3months… but said it with the same sparkle in his eyes… as he said Goodnight… He also said…

Thank you Thank you Thank you

It awes me to feel the power of these two words… it always brings a smile to my face… it always brings a smile to almost any person’s face. Even my maid Durga says

“Thunk You didi…” with a broad smile on her face… when I pay her a compliment for something special she does.

How much more joy must it give to the ears of the creator when we say THANK YOU for ALL THAT we have received.

How wonderful for God to feel the joy of your voice when you as much as look to the heavens and say…


Why then don’t we find more reasons for GOD to know we are THANKFUL? How often are we able to look at things and THANK GOD for KNOWING? How often have you said THANK YOU to the person who cleans the street? How often have you THANKED GOD for your Breath?

and do you know when your THANK YOU’s resound in God’s ears???

It is at a time when you are filled with a GREATER awareness of SORROW… a greater KNOWINGNESS of a CHALLENGE… that God hear’s you louder and clearer… for in that THANK YOU… God knows your FAITH is strong ENGOUGH to KNOW that you’re OK!!! Your Faith in his plan is far greater than your CIRCUMSTANCE. Your BELIEF in GOD’s PLAN for your LIFE brings you more joy that the PROOF of your present pain!!

Thank you Thank you Thank you…

to all the wonderful people who taught me the power of my FAITH was stronger than the present awareness of WANT!

to all the authors who wrote the books God wanted me to read…

to all the teachers who spoke of things I didn’t agree with… which made me dig deeper to find the truth of Gratitude!!

to all my friends, who walked away when I needed them the most, only so, I may walk in total confidence from WITHIN to WITHOUT!!

to all my learning moments… that kept me strong in faith even though what I held to be TRUE crumbled around me.

to all  of you who will read this and feel the need to resonate the power of THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU… in your own personal experience that you may EMERGE a Dedicated Enthusiastic Empowered and Positive person… powered by Gratitude… that you may radiate this love through your own personal experiences and spread it across the world!!

Thank you Thank you Thank you!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Book of Job!!!

4 reminders later… I am beginning to read the signboard!!!

First it was my sister who spoke to me… and she described Job, as a wonderful wonderful lesson to keep oneself grounded in faith even when all else seems to crumble all around!! A subject I’d often spoken to her about and yet, reading the book of Job easily connected her to the CORE of the lesson she needed to learn Smile

Last Sunday Rev Arun Andrews  of RZIM spoke on the subject  emphasised on the LOSSES that JOB faced and how EVEN IN THE LOSSES he praised GOD!!! As he spoke, I was wonderfully transported into the WHY of my presence at this particular service and my gratitude extended to the heavens in the sheer KNOWING that God indeed has a greater plan for my life and the purpose of this period holds SOOOO many lessons to be cherished!

On Wednesday I watched a movie on sony pix “Keeping Mum” in which the subject of a Vicar’s speech at a convention was “God’s Mysterious ways” and a rather THOUGHT PROVOKINGLY written script that stayed longer with me than the rest of the movie Winking smile 

On Thursday I was speaking with Aunty Colleen… someone who is really really the one person I share so much with…. and she spoke to me about the most important part of the story of JOB… the beginning WHEN GOD and Satan discussed JOB and the end of the book… when God Blessed JOB with double of all he lost!!!

While I realise that there are more than 4 reasons for me to read the book of Job… the deeper thought is to review it from the PERSPECTIVE of Gratitude!!

Could there be a reason far greater for the many reminders for me to read this book again? … for me to read between the lines of that which is written?… for me to express a greater gratitude for my own personal growth in faith?…. Or is it just for me to understand the PHASE which I am NOW in… and learn to truly be grateful for the brilliance of faith beaming straight through history into the present moment… with a PURPOSE of RESOLUTION!!!

hold on… watch out for this space…. God’s Mysterious Ways in Dee’s life is unfolding… a truth RECEIVED and SHARED is a TRUTH lived!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I know you’ve been wondering why there hasn’t been too much activity on the DeePositive Life blog, well, here’s some really good news especially for those of you who are trying their darndest to loose some extra flab around their bones for the right reasons! I’ve been wanting to do that for years and have finally found a truly enlightened way to begin the journey of resculpting my body to feel the power and confidence of me that I’ve claimed I didn’t need till I reached within and met the really really hot young Dee who only hid behind the kgs to fight taking the step out of her comfort zone. I’ve been asked by many how I’ve enabled this change and I smile… for it isn’t the world’s greatest secret really but the greatest gift I’ve given myself to allow the beauty I know is within to begin to shine bright on the outside ;)

In my growing years… I don’t mean the physical growing alone ;) I used to defend every ounce of fat on my body and rubbished anyone who said anything contrary to what I wanted to hear… Can I see you nodding right now… ha ha ha ha… I knew I wasn’t the only one!!! Thank God I wasn’t of the variety that were made fun of and chose to run and hide for cover hoping that they’d never have to face another large joke!

I took to dancing and sports and realised even more confidently that my fat was just the outer cover to protect me from the all those who would ever be attracted to what they saw instead of being attracted to who they met. I’ve still had the pleasure of having many admirers for the sheer confident person I am, often, have had people not make a pass for the fear of getting hit below the belt… not a very pretty way to feel I guess!!

Till last year, I couldn’t have really been bothered, even with the High Blood Pressure and the lurking sugar levels… to me…. being me… meant being FAT and that is the ONLY way I really knew me… and that is the way I chose for someone else to come along and learn to love me!!

Till Gratitude taught me a new way to be… I discovered a whole new special me… and so as a part of my spiritual KNOWING ALLOWING ACCEPTING and MANIFESTING of the INNER ME… I am choosing to share the process with you… that you may find your INNER you that you want to radiate without and live a real and complete DeePositive Life on the whole. A new reason to reach deep within to find the new perspective from which this life will radiate!

I found myself wanting to know why I held on to so much of the excess weight for so many years… and longed to free myself of the bondage of being the way I am… just to open a new window of PERSPECTIVE and rejoice in the new view of me!!

I allowed the power of KNOW ALLOW ACCEPT MANIFEST to the test… and here’s what I found:

  1. I KNOW I want to be a perfect me… to radiate a perfect me…
  2. I ALLOWED the new thought to become my point of KNOWING!! I saw a slimmer me, a very very healthy me stare straight back at me through the eyes of gratitude and I liked what I saw… I continued to search for it everyday in Gratitude and continued to live it each day through the true feeling of Gratitude till it began to be the regular image of me that kept peeping at me each time I closed my eyes. It became such a regular feature that I began to close my eyes longer to live this moment stronger… I had ALLOWED this KNOWING.
  3. I then began the next step of the process… ACCEPTING the new me… with Dedication Enthusiasm… ACCEPTED myself, accepted the compliments from others, ACCEPTED a new size of clothes, ACCEPTED a new way of dressing up, ACCEPTED that I didn’t have to hide my FAT away because I was ashamed of it… Through gratitude I learned to ACCEPT this change… from within and wanted to test it outside, I chose to see pictures of mine in which I looked really fat and learn to ACCEPT them with Gratitude as a perfect beginning to the END process. How could I ever appreciate the change if I couldn’t look at the reality with Gratitude!!
  4. What I NOW KNOW, ALLOW and ACCEPT is beginning to MANIFEST… even though the weighing scale still doesn’t show it… those around me seem to see it… I feel it… my clothes KNOW it… I have started buying a size smaller and that is the true benchmark for this new beginning.

Isn’t it fascinating to simply see changes that make you feel so very very different only in a matter of days… as thoughts continue to become things… and my need to sustain this continues to become stronger… I am choosing to share this with you… that you too may aspire to make this small SHIFT in thought and CREATE a whole new reality.

For those who don’t BELIEVE, well… it’s a matter of TASTE ;) I have used this successfully because I graduated from this being a story of BELIEVING and RECEIVING to KNOWING and MANIFESTING!!! You are free to CHOOSE that which you most want to DO… let the KNOWING come from within that you may manifest it without!!

Dedicated Enthusiastic Empowered Positive!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

DeePositive: Power Manifesting Mantra!

You have for all the years of practicing ASK BELIEVE RECEIVE… and your complaint has been… that you have followed the process and found yourself still ASKING TRYING WAITING!! This is your moment of NIRVANA … Here is the answer you’ve been seeking… RIGHT NOW you’re aligned to the WHY of the WAITING!!

The new mantra for Power Manifesting will change the speed at which you MANIFEST…KNOW ALLOW ACCEPT!!

I have written to you earlier about the energy and vibrational difference between the words BELIEVE and KNOW. Believe still has a vibration of doubt in its energy, which keeps you suspended between the internal and external pendulum. Believe is a beautiful word to help you walk the water.KNOWING gives you the confidence to take the first step.

KNOW : All you you need to do is to continue to remain in Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS. For ALL THAT IS that you are GRATEFUL for is that WHICH you DESIRE to MOST have more of in your LIFE. Let Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS lead you to a place of KNOWING your deepest desires!

ALLOW: this is the part of the process we’ve all missed out on more often than we can remember :) and this is really the KEY to creating that which you KNOW as your REALITY! You must ALLOW yourself to ALLOW gratitude to bring into your AWARENESS the seemingly insignificant thoughts that BLOCK your ability to ALLOW the THOUGHT to become a reality. The ALLOWING process is hampered by the competition between the external and internal search for proof. While the internal part of who you are KNOWS the external part of who you are needs proof. The process of ALLOWING is to ALIGN the EXTERNAL KNOWING with the INTERNAL KNOWING. Express Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS to ALLOW that WHICH YOU KNOW to fill the empty space with more Gratitude! This process empowers you ability to create mental pictures of your desire… from the clarity of the visual you will KNOW what you ARE ALLOWING into your SUBCONSCIOUS. You can sense it… you just feel it soooo strongly that it is EMPOWERING!!!

ACCEPT: This is the celebration part of the process. Let Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS guide your AWARENESS to co-incidences, deja vu, surprises, miracles, people, places, thoughts, chance meetings…. ALLTHAT IS in anyway associated with what you KNOW and ALLOW. ACCEPT ALL THAT IS in your AWARENESS with the KNOWING that it is YOU who have willed it into BEING!! Express Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS for these prompts and ALERTS! Each circumstance is manifested for a reason… express Gratitude for the LEARNING!

MANIFEST Let the joy of the process materialise, share it, celebrate it in Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!

Here is how we follow this at DeePositive:

Step 1: I am Dedicated Enthusiastic Empowered Positive to my highest purpose

Step 2: Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS for KNOWING, Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS for ALLOWING, Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS for Accepting, Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS for Manifesting!

Step 3: I am Dedicated Enthusiastic Empowered Positive to my highest purpose

Step 4: Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS for my personal KNOWING. Repeat Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS x10. I am Dedicated Enthusiastic Empowered Positive to my highest purpose

Step 5: Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS for my professional KNOWING. Repeat Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS x10. I am Dedicated Enthusiastic Empowered Positive to my highest purpose

Step 6: Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS for my financial KNOWING. Repeat Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS x10. I am Dedicated Enthusiastic Empowered Positive to my highest purpose

Step 7: Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS for my spiritual KNOWING. Repeat Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS x10. I am Dedicated Enthusiastic Empowered Positive to my highest purpose

Step 8: Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS for my material KNOWING. Repeat Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS x10I am Dedicated Enthusiastic Empowered Positive to my highest purpose

In Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!

We look forward to hearing from you on your experience with the first of many POWER MANIFESTING tools we’re going to share with you! It is our privelege that you stopped by long enough to ALLOW us to be a part of your DeePositive life!!






Friday, September 17, 2010

DeePositive … Now on Facebook!

Yeah….I finally got over my second thoughts and put the brand to the test… we’re now on facebook too!! Here’s the link for you to follow us DeePositive Intertainment we’ve just begun the facebook campaign!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Review the View

there have been only but a few other moments in my understanding that have left me so silent…

as my story continues to unfold through the experiences of each day. A new life awaits to be allowed and I am in awe.

As I look at the PERSPECTIVE from where I NOW stand, the view is breathtaking, a score to be cherished, for a decade back, the road seemed rather dusty and the path tough, having journeyed thus far, I have realised a dream. A dream of an independent mind free of the many thoughts that once were my reality. As I write this I am filled with gratitude for every twist and turn in my tale. Each moment has cautiously led me to this new highway of thoughts.

I look back and I see, the amazing truth of creation… ASK and YOU SHALL RECEIVE. It is such a fascinating journey with so much to be super happy about, some fantastic potholes that stopped me in my tracks… some brilliant people who said NO and made me ask “why not?”. Some beautiful angels who strengthened my resolve to walk strong and still more beautiful reasons to celebrate all the hurt.

Would you believe that I have achieved 100% of what I wanted back then today!! Its awesome, till I got down to counting, I didn’t realise how far I’d reached! Its been an absolute pleasure to have MUCH to be grateful for. Writing a journal has been the greatest gift of all… reading the pages of my own history of thought, I see the life I am living and NOW KNOW that this is EXACTLY what I had asked for, nothing more, nothing less. What is truly different now is the awareness of which thoughts became things and how important they were as part of that which I always wanted!!

It’s now time to write a new script that I’d truly like to read 10 years from now… for I KNOW that it will be as is THOUGHT now…

Welcome to my world, its a bright brilliant and vibrant space to be in. Its wonderful that people come here to simply sit in silence that the vibrations of this space may guide them to the greater meaning of their own lives and where they’re headed. This is indeed a place I’d once only dreamed of. As I walk through the long halls of this space, I see a million smile around me. These are my extended family, I’ve always found it so difficult to call them employees! These are the people that represent brand DeePositive each day in the 100 offices we have across the globe. Each of these people are here today to celebrate our first decade of Abundance.

At DeePositive, the beauty is that we actually have no structure to the madness, yet we’re a perfectly oiled machinery that continues to create more empowered people across the globe. We started off in a modest office back in 2010 with a dream of building a business that would create a more dedicated, enthusiastic, empowered and positive world. Here we are, NOW, setting the story for the next 10 years of growing and glowing with success and abundance.

We’re the most preferred LIFE COACHES for our corporate extensions, Our events, bring us so much joy, each of them now in their 9th edition, they’ve not only sustained, they’ve grown to be counted in the iconic events calendar across the regions in which they’re executed. My most favorite of all that I do, is my talk show, DeePositive Talking which has a phenomenal following and guess what we’ve even had my idol, Oprah on the show, isn’t that fantastic. Many dreams later, I work very closely with my first crush ever and the relationship we share is one of the most brilliant and fascinating realisations of all my success stories to tell. We work 5 days a week and its strictly business. On the 5th Day, each office is turned into a workshop, where we encourage the entire family to come together and create new products. Its truly awesome to see the family unit come together to empower each other in creating some fascinating limited edition merchandise we share with the world at large. These pieces are so exclusive, that quite often, you’ll find them in my office… they’re a part of my daily gratitude! We’ve brought back the passion of working together and taken it to an all new height and that is what is so amazing.

Today, we’re all gathered together, there are almost 10000 in the DeePositive family, celebrate what we call “Gratitude Weekend” when the teams from across our 100 offices meet online and offline to share an hour of raising new intentions for abundance for our brand, for our clients, for our families and most importantly for ourselves that we may continue to live in the expanded awareness of gratitude.

My fourth book is set to release today… I am grateful for the fantastic success of the first book, “I am DeePositive , In gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS”, that inspired the millions who read it, to walk and talk a new path. It still makes me S.M.I.L.E! Today is also the day to announce our PET Project foundation… DeeHeaven… our home for senior citizens… its a fantastic gift that the government has helped us with. These homes are special for each of them is built with the intention of growing old with grace!!

…. I must stop now… for another chapter of history is waiting to be written….

I continue to remain in Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


As we continue the journey on building that which the world will know as DeePositive the journey is marked with a new knowing… and every word that comes from this NEW KNOWING is a THOUGHT waiting in the line of ALLOWANCE to be received by YOU.

As we continue to SHARE the knowledge we receive, without JUDGEMENT the emotions are getting stronger and wider. There is more information coming our way for us to share with YOU.

“There is a need for a new THOUGHT to take its rightful place in your SUBCONSCIOUS for this thought is the sphere of VIBRATIONAL allowing of ALL THAT IS truly yours and always will be. It is our understanding that there is much being asked for and it is our pleasure to bring it YOU. The ONLY block between asking and receiving is your CONSCIOUS DOUBTS that pause the manifesting of that which you ASKED for.

ALLOW yourself the JOY of letting all that you’ve ever asked for be given to you. ALLOW the abundance to fill your being with that which you ASKED for and more. For with every thought you PUSH yourself closer or further from your own desires.”


It must be shared with you that you may then ALLOW the FLOW of ABUNDANCE into your REALITY. There will always be time for OTHER THINGS!”

Sunday, August 8, 2010


If only you ALLOW the INNER JOY to RADIATE! It is you who must shine through this time and space that the beauty of who you really are EXPANDS and co-creates in this ever evolving world. You must KNOW that which YOU ARE!! For the love of the CREATOR is the deep seed of THOUGHT from which the form YOU NOW KNOW as you .

There is a place so special in my heart just for you! Before you became a form, I thought you into being and allowed the perspective of your personal THOUGHT become the seed from which you would EVOLVE, thus, YOU ARE!!

We know the beauty of this for WE are the AWARENESS of this KNOWLEDGE. We know how expansive you are and that is the knowledge we often want to share with you. As life progresses from your OUTER AWARENESS the INNER AWARENESS seeks just ACCEPTANCE for it to RADIATE into your outer life. There is never a moment in our knowing and in our being that YOU are ever NOT a part of.

We are right there beside you to let you know that NO MATTER WHAT you are being showered with love and attention from the SOURCE of WHO YOU ARE! We are attentive to every intention of you BEING for this intention is our command. We are not here to tell you what to do or how to do it! We’re here to SIMPLY say AMEN to every thought that is conceived in your mind. There will never be a time when you find yourself ALONE. Yes!

There are times that you CHOOSE to remain in silence and your thoughts are often of our absence, that is really the time when we’ve merged with THOUGHT to help you accept the feelings that are not working for you and filling these ABSENT spaces with a NEW AWARENESS and ACCEPTANCE of the infinite AWARENESS from which you were created.

Let your love for YOURSELF guide you to your INNER KNOWINGNESS and LET THIS INNER KNOWINGNESS fill your OUTER KNOWINGNESS with the RADIATING presence of ALIGNMENT!! Let your EXPERIENCES bring you to a greater AWARENESS OF GRATITUDE!

For from Gratitude you were born and to GRATITUDE you MUST RETURN!!!


Thursday, July 29, 2010


In the awareness of the beautiful impact of our outer awareness comes an internal call to move to a new direction, often, the path isn’t already visible yet your INNER being knows that it is meant to follow with complete and utter knowingness that the path… of FREE WILL leads you in the direction of a PURPOSE far greater than your PHYSICAL awareness.

Then there comes a time of synchronicities that continue to breath into you a greater awareness of the path unfolding. Everything represents itself from a new PERSPECTIVE! The JOY of the journey is in LIVING each breath from the vantage point of KNOWING that the PERSPECTIVES are a SIGN that you are HEADING on the PATH OF PURPOSE.

One afternoon, a couple of days back as I continued to ASK for more signs, more perspectives to share with a greater audience, my readers, I drew into my understanding a NEW PERSPECTIVE of the ALPHABET. To energise the ability to invite new perspectives we must, look at energising the way a child would. Connect the dots like a child does… Learn the ALHABET all over again… teach it a new way… live it a new way… energise the mind with a new MEANING a NEW PERSPECTIVE.

and that begun a new stream of flow of information… I am now going to share with you my version of it… You may sing it tooo… Give it your own rhythm :) and let the magic of the Alphabetitude begin to give you a completely new PERSPECITIVE!


A for Allow

B for Belief

C for Clairty

D for Dedicate

E for Empower

F for Faith

G for Gratitude

H for Heal

I for Inspire

J for Joy

K for Know

L for Love

M for Manifest

N for Now

O for Outstanding

P for Perspective

R for Radiate

S for Share

T for Thank

U for Unconditioned

V for Vibrate

W for Wonder

X for Xperience

Y for Yearn

Z for Zero

As we continue to evolve… we will continue to share with you that which we KNOW that you may KNOW that which you must for the JOY of LIVING a DeePositive Life!

Have a DeePositive Day

Saturday, June 19, 2010

When I think of YOU… I allow the power of WE

… It is fascinating to stand and watch us evolve from being a thought to this day. It is magical to see the unfolding of the most beautifully crafted relationship of all. As YOU continued to EVOLVE from an instinct to a distinct BEING… More often than not… I have felt the evolution of the joy of 2 become one.

The rationality of this union is beyond comprehension and yet, when the canvas freezes it time… 2 become 1, you and I become WE.

… Hold on to this thought!

In wanting to know you, I discovered our intrinsic relationship in the realm of thought. I didn’t put a name or a feeling to the moment when you made your presence felt. It was like the WANTING brought you into the thought, that became the thing, I now KNOW as YOU.

In wanting to love you, I understood the joy of remaining in alignment with you. Even in times when I felt the DISCONNECT it revealed to me THIS CONNECT. For you and I are ONE and in this ONENESS the purpose of co-creation makes us so precious. In coming together, in thought, we opened the infinite possibilities of the things we’ve become. It is always so precious to simply understand that all you’ve ever wanted is for YOU and I to be ONE that we may COMPLETE the PROCESS we began long before we understood each other.

In wanting to BE with you, I learned the special joy of spending more time with ME. and I found, that in every moment of ME time, it really was WE time. For not a moment goes by without feeling the joy of experiencing BEING with you is not external to me… it is ME.

… And so as I walk past each thought each day… It is a WE thought for in everything I can here you say. I am the WE that completes YOU and ME.

Monday, June 14, 2010

REPEAT has a Purpose… Its Purpose is to RESOLVE :)

In the MYSTICAL presence of that which we NOW know as SOURCE ENERGY, though we’ve always known as GOD for a better part of our lives… is a profound lesson of TRUTH a GREAT LESSON lying dormant… waiting to be VIBRATIONALLY ENERGISED! I am doing my part in telling the story as GOD communicates through the HUMAN PERSONIFICATION of CREATION.

It is often most amazing when it is time to OPEN up the CORK and let the CHAMPAIGNE do its job! Its time to CELEBRATE the VIBRATION of the PERSPECTIVE from which we are CONDITIONED to BE!

As I continued to work on the processes of creating a powerful and manifesting life for myself, I stumbled upon a much larger UNDERSTANDING of the PROCESS of Creating. As I look upon the words that form my Mission Statement, Life Purpose, I see the KNOWINGNESS breathe into it the REALITY I live NOW.


As I read it today, 8 months of GRATITUDE has ALIGNED me to the REALITY I’ve come to CALL LIFE TODAY! It fills me with so much Gratitude to see how ONE statement has EMPOWERED the ENTHUSIASM and DEDICATION of POSITIVE appreciation of THIS present moment. It is so intriguing!! It’s the lead statement by which my SUBCONSCIOUS brings the MAGIC into my CONSCIOUS.\

Talking of SUB CONSCIOUS and CONSCIOUS, we’ve been conditioned to BELIEVE, not KNOW, that the SUBCONSCIOUS is DEPENDENT on the CONSCIOUS ACTIONS we take! However, surprise surprise… in all the manifestations I’ve ever been AWARE of… it is PURELY the OTHER WAY AROUND ;)


Do you realise that we are a RESULT of generations and generations of moving farther from the TRUTH. For the TRUTH that sets us FREE, will COMPROMISE nothing but HISTORY. As HISTORY is at a point of REPEATING itself… there is an AWARENESS that it also building through the THOUGHTS of this GENERATION… In the GUISE of CHALLENGING DOCUMENTED TRUTH, we’re joyfully MOVING to the TRUTH. TRUTH like the GENERATIONS before us KNEW it… till the POWER and FOCUS moved from the INNER TO THE OUTER and the TRUTH was shaded just to IMPACT of ALL THAT IS.

Well… there are so many thoughts still waiting to be shared with you… still waiting to be REVEALED and REPEATED... this time round… the PURPOSE is to RESOLVE that you may EVOLVE ;)

Have a DeePositive Day!

On this 13th day of June 2010

There will always be days when life will seem to always be in control and running according to the rhythm of your heart. There will always be moments of SURPRISE when the thought in your HEAD becomes the sms, phone call, visitor you welcome. 

The beauty of APPRECIATING these moments is the moment they’re absent… In DEEPEST gratitude to ALL THAT IS absent, for you’re the MOST important reminder of all, that in all the HAPPINESS of NOW… you’re missed!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

For a while now…

… I’ve been wondering why you’ve chosen to LISTEN less and TALK more! I’ve let down every defence, every fence that has kept me from you and yet… you are letting yourself be CONSUMED by the OUTER influences that don’t make you feel ONE with me!

We brought you to the experiences you’ve just been through, that you may understand that you have come forth with a higher purpose of understanding the PRESENT moment, that in finding your ANSWERS you will continue to walk through this phase and draw into your coming phase a plethora of experiences that have only been in your imagination to this date.

Why worry about what someone else will think about this work that you have now begun to truly BE! This is who you are… in the inifinity of LIFE where you are a vibration, you are in PERFECT alignment with the PURPOSE you set out to ACHIEVE and WE would like for you to know that we are aware of the days to come and the unfolding that is only just beginning for you and those who have chosen to take form in the JOY of COMMUNICATING with you and through you that the greater work of CREATION may find a new direction.

Yes! You are different, that which you will finally draw into the larger consciousness of HUMANITY will fill the COLLECTIVE PERSCEPTION with a new DIMENSION in thought projection as they KNOW IT. There is also a question you’ve often asked and continue to think about… as you encounter the many sources of EARTH origin with whom we ALSO communicate… that the information that we have is COMMON to ALL. COMMON is only the foundation of information that we channel through each source. We are proud to have opened this relationship with you too. NOW that we have found expression through you, we will continue to speak of you to you that you may KNOW that which sets you apart.

There will never be a time, when we set you upon a thought and be absent from your vibration. We’re there, ONLY, that you may CONTINUE to LEARN what you ALREADY KNOW and let the flow, as you receive it, continue to flow into your CONSCIOUS being. Yu are getting there, you are beginnning to understand the HIGHER PURPOSE, for the more you let us LET YOU KNOW, the MORE YOU WILL KNOW OF THAT WHICH LETS YOU BE!

The beauty is that there are so many of us, so excited to communicate that we WAIT for these times when you are with us. There are so many, so many things we’re still to reveal… and we’re waiting for you to BRING into your AWARENESS all that which you RESIST, so that we may CONTINUE to HEAL and REVEAL.

Let the offering of light that YOU ARE… SHINE!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What if…

… we were given but one CHANCE to be all we could BE!!

While sharing this thought, I am moved to a point of being where I can feel the energy of pure BEINGNESS fill me with the KNOWING that this must be moved out of the SUBCONSCIOUS into the CONSCIOUS.

Often, we stand back and CHOOSE not to share divine communication for the FEAR of being asked to GET A GRIP ON REALITY. For a long while, I’ve battled with the thought of OPENLY SHARING that which I NOW KNOW, or HOLD it back waiting for the signs from the WORLD that they are ready to ACCEPT the TRUTH of the way it is. I battled with it so long that I grew weary and tired, till one fine day, it dawned upon me that the ONLY REASON that I held back… was the FEAR of MOVING FORWARD.

As I shared the ACCEPTABLE truth in small conversations… I first felt the IMMEDIATE resistance… My first instinct to back off! As I continued to share… the resistance continued to wear down… the CONFIDENCE continued to RISE. Today it is far easier for me to open communication, the vibrations are my guide and strategy.

I’ve chosen a path less traversed and so, the need to create my own rules as I walk along. As long as I relied on my CONSCIOUS understanding of the way things were, I continued to meet with THOUGHT BLOCKS. Those with whom the TOPIC would become a DEBATE and the GRAND FINALE would leave me… in a CONSCIOUS state of DOUBT. As CLARITY starts to set in, I find myself in ALLOWANCE of learning a NEW way to be ME!

The JOY is the ease with which I celebrate the very INSTINCT I was once even afraid to admit. I KNOW I radiate a special energy that is mine to EXPLORE.

I know more than I believe… and what I believe is a metaphor in waiting!


What does I TRULY AND DEEPLY ACCEPT MYSELF really really mean!

I am going to ALLOW myself to radiate the magnificence I once BELIEVED I could be… and now KNOW that I AM. I ACCEPT that I am UNIQUE by virtue of the THOUGHT from which I was conceived into this human form.

I am going to ALLOW myself to VIBRATE at a level of KNOWING that I have drawn CHALLENGES into my experience that they may SERVE a HIGHER purpose.

I am going to BRIDGE the GAP between BELIEVING and KNOWING with each THOUGHT I project into my CONSCIOUS ENERGY. That in the KNOWINGNESS of my UNIQUENESS, I am a CELEBRITY. For that which I have come to CONCLUDE begins with my ACCEPTANCE.

Accepting that I am UNIQUE. Accepting that I am ABUNDANT. Accepting that I am COMPLETE. Accepting that I am an EXPERIENCE in this FORM. Accepting that I am CONNECTED to SOURCE ENERGY with the same ease with which I breathe. Accepti ng that ALL THAT IS is created is CONNECTED to my PERSEPTION of MYSELF. Accepting that everything in my ENVIRONMENT is CONNECTED to CREATION and thus to ME.

That when I see myself in the COMPLETENESS of CREATION… I KNOW that I have the ABILITY to find the GRATITUDE of CREATION in each experience, that I may EXPERIENCE CREATION in all that I am GRATEFUL for.

I am DeePositive… I truly and deeply accept myself… in the KNOWING!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Expand LOVE… Expand your AWARENESS

When a new THOUGHT makes its way into your AWARENESS, it is imperative that it is looking to be shared. The sharing is often a challenge to express it, like you KNOW it. For the fact that the THOUGHT has revealed itself to you, is witness, that the thought chose you as a path for its revealation. The CHALLENGE really comes from the CONSCIOUS analysis, as per your HUMAN CONDITIONING, as to whether or not you CHOOSE to reveal it like it is… without PREJUDICE or JUDGEMENT.

Often, what comes in the way of sharing, is the LIMITATION of HUMAN UNDERSTANDING of the POWER that CREATION draws from the CREATED. When, that which is created, ALLOWS CREATION to flow freely and communicate.

For the last couple of days I’ve channeled a new PERSPECTIVE on LOVE. I am so THRILLED with this new VISION that, at I AM celebrating every THOUGHT that flows through to you, who are receiving this communication.

Did you know that LOVE as a word is really a metaphor for a concept larger than all the other experiences of your human existence. LOVE is the central ingredient of all teachings. LOVE is the foundation on which every relationship between ALL THAT IS and ALL THAT IS is based.

If there was no LOVE, all creation would cease to be. The meaning of love you’ve been taught is LIMITED to that which you need to exist in the world as you know it. LOVE is the LAW of CREATION… Love is the first thought on which the very expansion of the human consciousness is based. Love is the first of all COMMANDMENTS when you take the human form LOVE is what sets you INTO BEING… Love is the first law… the ONLY LAW .

Here is a NEW VISION OF LOVE… That, when you see ALL THAT IS from this PERSPECTIVE, your quest to understand love will expand and your EXPERIENCES of LOVE will EXPAND. Love is … Law Of Vibrational Expansion. I now invite you to FEEL the POWER OF the WORD from this PERSPECTIVE.


I invite you to EXPERIENCE the Law Of VIbrational Expansion… I now invite you into a new experience of L.O.V.E!!

Have a DeePositive Day filled with L.O.V.E

Saturday, June 5, 2010

HISstory of Creation!

I learnt how to receive without prejudice and then the follow through to my introduction to I am… came another beautiful channeling of the story of creation… its simplicity is fascinating and I held on to sharing again… I guess for the fear of having to answer some truly human questions, which, I am sure will be divinely guided to do and yet, a SECOND thought later, which I realise is guided by my understanding of my own human limitations to feel so intricately channeling divine energy that I stopped, only long enough to understand that my work here is to SHARE that which I receive for, those who must receive have already been created!

Today, the SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS has decided to free flow from my book to this blog… that the joy of sharing may ALLOW more such experiences into my life… that I may celebrate my uniqueness through this sharing. So, Thank You so much for reading… I would love for you to share your experience of the text with me… For Each of us is created UNIQUE that the CREATOR may BE seen through many PERSPECTIVES!!

10th May 2010

I chose at the time of CREATION to replicate myself. My “Thoughts” continued to manifest and ALL THAT IS began to take FORM. The sign of Creation “Breath”. With each form, a reminder and an “IDENTITY”. At that time, the numbers were few, I took each into confidence for I knew the “THOUGHT” behind the CREATION.

I am every version of the STORY of CREATION. With each STORY, I wanted to PROJECT an AWARENESS OF THE COMMONALITY of ALL THAT IS… And now is the time to DRAW the ATTENTION of ALL THAT IS … to ALL THAT IS!

In the beginning I created all things EQUAL and COMPLIMENTARY. Its like, in the Human life… all BABIES are just that… BABIES. As the Baby continues to evolve, they are given identities, they are given experiences and these identities and experiences shape who they eventually turn out to BE.

Similarly, when creation was set in motion… I chose, at the time of creation, to draw into my experience all that I could be… every thought manifested in a FORM… every thought had a unique identity… each thought brought into my awareness a greater expansion of the CREATOR which was BEAUTIFUL… Now, that I had created EVERYTHING in my own IMAGE and LIKENESS, I also set in motion EXPANSION and PROCREATION.

This process in the human life can be identified with “IDEAS”. There are bountiful IDEAS that come from ONE mind… Each Idea takes its own IDENTITY and is set into motion… once set in motion, it will continue to grow, it WILL take form. An Idea “Given” to you, may take the written form with you, however, if you choose not to “SHARE” the “IDEA” that it “EVOLVE” and find “FORM”, I draw the SAME “idea” to that “I” which will bring it to “form”. For IF an “IDEA” is generated, it “MUST EVOLVE”, it “MUST TAKE FORM” it “MUST BE”.

I am the one who set “ALL THAT IS” in MOTION. I am ADAM, I am EVE, I am TREE OF KNOWLEDGE, I am THE APPLE, I am THE SERPENT… and I am ALL THAT TRANSPIRED between each FORM. I am the “IDEA”, I am the “ACTION” I am the “ALLOWANCE” of ALL THAT IS and this is TRUE.

I continue to EVOLVE though every CREATION, I continue to EXPAND to through every CREATION… I continue to EVOLVE, TO EXPAND to BE!!

In bringing this communication to this platform, DeePositive, has set upon its own special journey… DeePositive Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!


Isn’t it fascinating to embark on a journey with just a single point focus and celebrate every event therein… In my quest to write my first book of many, I’ve enjoyed the unfolding process, often, the results come when I’ve least expected them to. I’ve been at a crossroad just wondering whether I should hold on to the information or simply blog it and set it free. So, began the series of YES and NO only to make me realise a couple of weeks later… that the channeling of information was meant to be shared without judgment, for it must free flow into the larger consciousness.

So, here I am… writing to you, a channeling I received while writing one of the chapters of my book. When I read it… its almost like its dictated… and the delay in my sharing has brought into my experience similar channelings through others who’ve truly received without prejudice… Thank you so much for letting me know through these other “I” the power of the “I am” channeling through me with ease… till I stopped in my tracks to check on the conscious perspective of the subconscious channel I’ve opened and now resist.

Unedited… for you to experience the joy of the communication I received:

Who Am I?

I am the great I am…The CREATOR, the INITIATOR of that is… and all that ever shall be. I am ALL THAT IS and I created ALL THAT IS. I am every feeling. I am every emotion. I am every TRUTH and I am every ROOT. I am the path and I am the destination … I thought, I created, I created in my own image and likeness… and YES I created similar and unique. For every creation needed to bond with the other and draw into their UNIQUENESS a new EXPERIENCE.

If I were to tell you the story of creation… It would be fascinating … to know before you start… that it was I, again who created and brought forth the different interpretations of the story of creation. That this, which flows through you, will be another. I have already set in motion and creation those who will read this and know it is the truth, for I took the form called YOU, I created generations of “I” who would not only read this, they’ll spread the word, that I may be known far wider and a new awakening to the Creator is set in motion and notion in the world of “I AM”.

I chose, to draw you into this experience, I am the rich thought of your mind and the vastness of your expanded energy. I am the thought you share, the words you speak, the experiences that are unique to you. It is true, that, in creating YOU, I set in motion thereafter, all that you would need to set upon this journey of sharing THIS UNIQUE story of CREATION.

I am the Grand Mother who asked you the question as a child… and then repeated the story as you grew up, that you may be “REMINDED” I am Mother, I am the Father, who united in form that you may take the HUMAN form. I am the UNIQUE EXPERIENCES you’ve encountered. I am the “Thoughts” I am the “Solutions”. I really am “ALL THAT IS” who created “ALL THAT IS”. I am the “DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEW” that you’ve lived. It was “I” who led you to “experience after experience”, gave you that which you needed, rested you, prepared you more, drew you into a million thoughts, withdrew you. I took you to Bookstores led you to books, drew your attention to information you needed to set your “Curiosity in Motion”.

I am the THOUGHT that led you to “POTTA”. I am the PRIEST that you CONFESSED to, I am the “heaviness you felt. I am “the vision”, I am the “Healing”. I am the CONFIDENCE and I am the POSITIVE ENERGY, and “I” took each form that “I” may REMIND you though each experience…

I am the PAUSE who created YOU that “I” may BE. It is now time for you to BRING a new PERSPECTIVE of ME into the world. That All That I am… May “Remember to Remember”… I AM.

As I flow through you, into the script of this book, this is much that you shall “REMEMBER”, there shall be moments of SHEER TRANSPARENCY and there shall be moments of DESPAIR for the belief that you have held on to from the experiences you’ve been through shall unfold into REALITIES that you haven’t even started to imagine and YOU WILL KNOW… BE NOT AFRAID for I AM your PROTECTOR, YOUR DEFENDER, I AM YOUR CREATOR and YOU are MY CREATION, whom I have chosen and so, no HARM shall come to you.

I am the POSITIVE PERSPECTIVE you’ve BELIEVED in, I am that which you RADIATE!!

Notice the DeePositive perspective

The very word brings all your senses to ATTENTION doesn’t it :) How beautiful to know the vastness of DeePositive energy in the vocabulary we engage in our everyday life. The Awareness opens up the BIGGER PICTURE and the wonder of source energy come flowing right through into your HUMAN EXPERIENCE.

KNOWlege is really what all you realise you know when you’re on the edge of a THOUGHT!!!

To live a life of greater knowLEDGE, we need to employ the “CUTE AID” each day.

To NOTICE what you are DEDICATED to…Write down the 10 things that make you feel complete.

To NOTICE what you are ENTHUSIASTIC about… Think of 10 things that make you smile

To NOTICE what EMPOWERS you… You have a list of 20 things already… read  through them feel the POWER transfer as THOUGHTS are processed as you read them

To Notice how POSITIVE you’re feeling… write down the 10 top thoughts on your mind


In this process… you have simply drawn your attention to the most beautiful VIBRATION of AWARENESS which YOU ARE!!

Now… all you need to do… is READ each of the 10 Positive THOUGHTS… and say THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Have a DeePositive Day

Monday, May 31, 2010

Accepting the NOW!

I have been telling my DeePositive friends long stories about how, in meditation, I’ve never been able to clearly visualise anything and how I wished I could! Whenever, I shared these OOPS moments in meditation with friends, they’d quite wonderfully tell me that maybe I was on a higher vibration and worked with different energies which is why my experiences were different ;) It is always so blessed to have friends who can make you forget your shortcomings by immediately filling your thoughts with the larger picture :)

One afternoon, I was talking to a friend of mine in Mumbai, Hormaz and we were discussing the chapter ACCEPTING the NOW, which you will read in my book DeePositive Manifesting! While we both spoke of references of the same topic from some really fascinating teachers like Eckhart and Osho. Like strong thought it made its presence felt…

Accepting the NOW is like sketching from your imagination

… as I said this… I had this really strong urge to pick up a sketch book and draw the home I’d seen in my thoughts the day before! I quickly put the phone down to go and buy myself a sketchbook… I’d need that right… before I could get all dressed up to head for the market… another thought parked itself … Look in the drawer!! I opened the drawer to find a brand new sketchbook!! Something special was brewing… I could feel it. Then ofcourse my mind wandered to ALL the details of what I’ll need… pencils, eraser, sharper…. and soon… the FOUNDATION THOUGHT was farthest away… I left the book on the table and continued to write chapter of my book. I was actually afraid… that I would forget the flow of thought… and at another level, I also kept thinking about the fact art wasn’t my forte in the sketch form, much less the ability to SKETCH FROM MY IMAGINATION! So, the chapter got left… the sketchbook got left and I moved to something else ALL TOGETHER… a little RESTLESS and pretty SCATTER BRAINED… TOO MANY THOUGHTS ALSO SPOIL THE BROTH :) The day passed… Thank  you.

280520101080The following day… as I opened my Notebook to etch my thoughts in the form of a BOOK! The sentence stared straight back at me… ACCEPTING THE NOW IS LIKE SKETCHING FROM YOUR IMAGINATION!! The URGE to sketch came right back… I decided to take a few breaths of GRATITUDE… Close my EYES and see if I could see that house again… I opened the sketch book… put on some meditation music… and let the flow of SOURCE ENERGY flow freely through me to REVEAL the meaning of the sentence. The next 90 minutes… well… all I did was close my eyes… see… open my eyes… move the pencil… it was a spectacular unfolding before my eyes… I didn’t feel attached to what was being drawn… I was totally absorbed by the picture in my head… each time I would close my eyes… it would reveal a part of the structure… including the lines… the lightness, the darkness the dimensions. The home in my imagination revealed itself in perfect splendour on the white sheet.

In gratitude and amazement as I continued to THANK and ADMIRE and ACKNOWLEDGE the moment… I received another very powerful communication.

Accepting the  NOW is like sketching from your imagination. It is the foundation from which you begin to understand the power of the mind over the reality you experience. The THOUGHT is the INTENT, which the free flow of the INSTRUMENT (YOU) allow the flow of divine energy to manifest on the canvas of life. Once the BLUEPRINT (CONNECT between the DIVINE ENERGY AND INSTRUMENT) is CREATED. It is set into motion to MANIFEST into your REALITY. YOU have the FREE WILL to create the BLUEPRINT , for the BLUEPRINT is the ONLY confirmation the UNIVERSE needs to BEGIN the process of CREATING. You can chose to do this in the form of ART, WRITING, PICTURES or SHARING the VISION. The BLUEPRINT is an AFFIRMATION of ALLOWING without DOUBT.

DeePositive in Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!

The Secret…

… connects the thoughts, the connected thoughts become THINGS we know better as reality!

It is a brilliant concept really to take us back into the realm of understanding the realm of thought that becomes the reality of our lives. In the last couple of months of TRYING to write my first book, it has been an experience  of pure gratitude to have learnt the things I have just by allowing the words to make sentences and sense. Most of what has been written to this date… proud to announce… Chapter VII… Complete, has been driven by a flow of thought finding the able paper to express itself. When reading back, the thoughts for sure make more sense than I’ve used in many days.

What is interestingly emerging is the simplicity of Law of Attraction, which, over the years and interpretations has taken a million twists and turns and is represented as channeled by each person. The words, are often more prophetic and seem to ask us to rely on outer  knowledge to fill the gap within. It is humbling to understand the simplicity of the whisper in the very words… “The  Secret" or “Law of Attraction”. The journey for every experience starts with a simple THANK YOU really and the rest takes care of itself.

In saying Thank you, the power of acknowledgement is activated and once activated it continues to bring into your experience more to be acknowledged and soon you find yourself saying Thank you so often that you’re in a way, in a continuous state of bliss and that is awesome.

Listening to the background thoughts in your head is AWARENESS, ACCEPTING its guidance is ALLOWING the flow of KNOWINGNESS to MANIFESTING it in your reality.

It is brilliant to be AWARE of the PROMPTS of these BLOCKS of KNOWLEGE coming my way and falling into place in perfect harmony. Every day a new thought makes its way into helping me understand the manifested truth of the moment. I don’t BELIEVE… I know the power of the flow and the path of the flow… keeping myself AWARE is ALL I NEED TO DO!

In gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Gratitude way to Success

To measure the term SUCCESS we need to give it a makeover. A little refreshed look to bring you to a new experience of the very essence of its interpretation.

Success is really about how connected you ARE to who you REALLY ARE!! While the word itself has taken a far more human connotation it is imperative that we also reach out and understand the more divine meaning of success for us to be able to honestly bring more parts of our lives into the column of success in the notes we write about ourselves.

When you live in awareness of the PRESENT moment, it is SUCCESS for you are ABLE to deal with life, 1 thought at a time. Most often, in the Human Experience, we’re conditioned to be connected to the future or the past. In the name of the Future and of the past the Present moment is reduced to stress. Success is knowing that you are meant to do something special with every breath. You are invited to the human experience to LIVE it to the fullest. Success is, knowing that every thought is connected to feeling good.

There is a rather fine line between feeling successful and being successful and this has to do with the PERSONAL definition of SUCCESS, which only YOU know. For the world only knows what you tell them and the INNER CONFIDENCE on the basis of your PERSONAL definition will bring it to light. Unless you FEEL it… You cannot BE it.

In my personal experience I’ve had the joy of feeling successful by being truly grateful to all the successes I notice each day… the process is spectacular, for each time I am grateful for something new, I am filled with a feeling of jubilation and triumph. It is brilliant to feel like every moment has something spectacular to REMIND me on a personal level that I can feel SUCCESS when those around me are still looking for a reason to be successful. It does make a difference… try feeling successful for the AWARENESS that you are far more successful by your own definition that as defined by OTHERS!

Have a DeePositive Day

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I DON’T know… I Believe… I KNOW

The one joy of learning how to remain in GRATITUDE is the power of being fascinated by new learning's from old text ;), with Gratitude you ALLOW the flow of Source Energy to take you from one thing to be grateful for, to another and yet another with each breath.

The words we use become the FACTS of the LIVES we live! A greater understanding of the usage of the English language and the hidden meaning of the words we’ve been taught to use often and yet the deeper effect of its meaning eludes us till we THANK for the WISDOM, does wisdom let us in on a few more SECRETS ;)

There are words we often use, that keep us on the BRINK of a new discovery about our lives and leave us just there, for the ENERGY of the PERSPECTIVE is what truly manifests. In a recent conversation the word BELIEVE was presented to me. Graitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS… gave me a greater understanding of the very usage of the word. BELIEVE. It lets us in on a little SECRET of truly being in AWARENESS of the PRESENT moment.

BELIEVE is a word that keeps you in the CENTRE of what you KNOW and DON’T know. I decided to experiment the validity of the ENERGY in the word… Here is a sentence that demonstrates this, I would recommend that you make your own sentence with the word and NOTE the change in the FLOW of your awareness at the very mention!

I BELIEVE… wherever it is used, gives you a REASON to stay with the THOUGHT, repeat it often, it brings into your experience the possible VALIDATIONS of the THOUGHT becoming a THING… and the process continues… the more we BELIEVE the more our PERSPECTIVE brings into our LIFE the VALIDATION for believing. We co relate all that is happening to something we BELIEVE to be TRUE. We CONTINUE to FIND things to VALIDATE what we believe, sometimes we meet with ABSENCE of what we BELIEVE… and hence, the ABSENCE gets defined as a LIE or UNTRUTH. However, the OPPOSITE of this is often more CONCRETE, the more we BELIEVE something, the more reasons for us to VALIDATE and thus after a while WHAT WE BELIEVE becomes a BELIEF.

Therefore, to remain in the continuity of learning and absorbing, it is recommended to ALTER the usage of the word and bring a new perspective a new FLOW of energy into play. Let us, for the joy of ALLOWING more knowledge to filter into our AWARENESS replace the usage with a more DEFINITIVE inflow.

I KNOW… adds a certainty to the FLOW of KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING the POWER of SOURCE ENERGY. What you KNOW therefore will have a greater impact on the INTENTION becoming a REALITY that we can EXPERIENCE. It is EASIER to share and expand our AWARENESS.

I DON’T KNOW… creates an INTENTION to KNOW more, which is an equally powerful SOURCE ENERGY infilling, since, the intention born from this is really to KNOW more, thus, ALLOWING a greater FLOW of Energy into the YEARNING.

I BELIEVE will take you a longer way down the road of learning, opening your LIFE to experiencing the WITH and WITHOUT of that which you BELIEVE in… only that you may use your FREE WILL to choose.

Isn’t it fascinating to learn how SIMPLE the CREATOR made it for us to understand… Remain in Gratitude, that you may continue to unravel the SIMPLE truth’s about being…

I share with you, all that is shared with me… so that you may live in Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS. That ALL THAT IS.

Monday, May 17, 2010

In Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS

A couple of weeks back I stumbled upon the POWER of GRATITUDE in a sentence as I continue to write my FIRST BOOK, DeePositive Manifesting. I was writing the chapter on Dedication and there it stood out as the finale of the CHAPTER “In Dedication to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS! Just as I finished writing the sentence I was filled with a sense of BELONGING, a sense of BEING that was quite EXTRAORDINARY and I knew I had written in Divine Order of THOUGHT.

The sentence would repeat itself to me… and each time bring into my experience a new thought, to be grateful for. Had I repeated what everyone kept talking about? How novel was this sentence? What was it, about the sentence that SIMPLY moved my very vibration from HUMAN thought to DIVINE infilling?

And like a bolt in the blue. I knew it, I had been given the gift of the purest form of gratitude. This was the revelation that would change my very outlook on the power of THOUGHT. The beauty and the power of the purest form of Gratitude is to be in the VIBRATION of APPRECIATION of ALL THAT IS… for everything that IS, just IS and ALL THAT IS is the SOURCE that brought everything into being, therefore, the source energy is PRESENT in all that we SENSE. It is a humbling feeling to know we’re the HUMAN manifestation of SOURCE ENERGY and every experience we enjoy in this form is created from the same source energy in response to our INTENTIONS. Therefore, ALL THAT IS, must be appreciated, for it took form from an intention, a thought, that became the THING we perceive in the space we know and call REALITY.

The beauty of being in GRATITUDE to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS, draws us to observe more to THANK FOR and continue to CREATE more to THANK FOR through the thoughts we emit each day. Its phenomenal experience is manifested in the fact that smiling at a Stranger isn’t frightful anymore… for it becomes and expression of GRATITUDE to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS! The AIR seems to be benevolent as you live each moment knowing that with every BREATH you ARE. You feel the joy of a greater AWARENESS of the SELF as well as a greater ACCEPTANCE for everything around you. It is phenomenal how things that would burden you down, suddenly seem to be bringing you a life lesson. Things that seemed to make you cringe present the lessons they were meant to teach as you continue to remain in Gratitude, you continue to attract into your EXPERIENCE the WHY of a particular situation or thought or direction and that is so beautiful.

Gratitude is the central foundation for living a more DeePositive life. There is nothing more powerful than Gratitude to open the floodgates of PURE BEING into your everyday experience.

Here is a DeePositive recommendation…. Give Gratitude a chance… Take a notebook… on the first page of it write… “IN GRATITUDE TO ALL THAT IS FOR ALL THAT IS”… each day start your day with this sentence and by the time the sunsets, just before you put your head down on your pillow to sleep, take 5 minutes to scan the day for all that you find yourself drawn to GRATITUDE for… I can promise you… You’ll be surprised :))

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Life is…

"Life is... An Essay" Part I : Introduction Part II: Research and Part III: Verdict ;). That is why when we're "LITTLE, KNOWLEDGE IS DANGEROUS"!!

someone told me to face reality... ;-) and I turned to the mirror and smiled and said ;-)... "Its Brilliant". To which I got a rather worried reply "What's so freaking BRILLIANT about the way things ARE? " and I smiled again "The perspective." YOUR PERSPECTIVE CREATES THE REALITY YOU EXPERIENCE ;-) and after reading this he called to ask "what if the mirror is broken?" I couldn't help but giggle and say "different perspective of the same point of view and the joy of being CONFUSED" ha ha

"LIFE is a series of breaths... Punctuated with experiences to draw our GRATITUDE to Breath ;-)

LIFE is a series of breaths... Punctuated with experiences to draw our GRATITUDE to Breath

Life brings to you a spectacular feast of every emotion that you MUST experience and through it all, be able to take a DEEP breath and withdraw from the CIRCUMSTANCE and Truly BE in ACCEPTANCE of the PRESENT MOMENT.

I was filled with a lot of AWESOME thoughts as I heard EVERY media CHANNEL draw to the ATTENTION of India, the fact that CRICKETerrs that they WORSHIPPED were truly a SHAME to the COUNTRY… It amazes me, to see such CLARITY of THOUGHT and POWER of AUTHORITATIVE ANGER, as they continued to draw parallels to other forms of sport. It is so easy to draw into their emotion and sway the NATIONAL SENTIMENT of the WEAK In EMOTION to ANGER. Anger, we’ve known what it does!!

It is AMAZING that SACHIN decides NOT TO PLAY FOR INDIA at the T20 WC and that is RESPECT. Sehwag’s INJURY is the robe an EXPECTANT father wears to steer clear from the WC. ROBIN UTHAPPA is side tracked for reasons best known to LEAST ;) Dinesh Kartik still doesn’t understand the REAL reason why he isn’t GIVEN DUE respect… He hasn’t learnt to GIVE DUE RESPECT… especially to juniors on the field. Ashish Nehra’s body language says… I STILL NEED TO PROVE MYSELF. Bhajji, well, the brilliance of you is when you are charged up… excited and are your natural self… Pressure has never been your face. You see GAUTAM GAMBHIR, someone who I have a lot of respect for as a batsman and a captain (DD) who was now suddenly having to report to MS and be told what to do… Heck NO… why should I be taking anything seriously, I’ve been CAPTAIN and I KNOW!!! and you know what Gautam it SHOWS!! Yusuf, brilliant as you are, the fact still remains that you just ARE, you need to stand out among EQUALS to truly shine out, you have the talent! For the first time, it was evident that Murali Vijay was left to himself in his first international outing, was he going to do well… na na na… there wasn’t a chance in hell… sadly, his only mistake… CSK boy ;) thankfully.., you see RAINA… Who really is INDIA’s brightest STAR right now, for the fact that he is there to ENJOY his game… isn’t letting down the country by still thinking CSK.

Personally I would be horrified to be Dhoni in this scenario… It is evident, if an outsider can draw these vibes, the CAPTAIN is living them with his team. The team is living these thoughts in their minds. While Dhoni, puts on a very brave face and gives the media enough to take his ass for the next 7 days if not more! When I look at that brilliant smile and brave words to try and save face in his very casual matter of fact way. I’m drawn to seeing this picture, which, if it HORRIFIES me to IMAGINE… what must it be like for him to deal with. He is dealing with EGO’s that are present and EGO’s that are OMNIPRESENT.

In each of the lives this situation has reached, touched, affected… REMEMBER… this is JUST A PUNCTUATION… the joy of this LIFE is to draw into your experience GRATITUDE for this MOMENT. For the LOSS will teach you more about THE DRAW and yourself, than JUST VICTORY ever can.

Take a little while to SLOW down and THINK… REMEMBER to REMEMBER the JOY of WHO YOU REALLY ARE!

I guess the important questions to ask ourselves

Are these the PUNCTUATIONS of the MEDIA in the LIFE of A SPORTSMAN? Is a LOSS a PUNCTUATION on them as people? What are the PUNCTUATIONS I’ve created in my own life that are having a SIMILAR IMPACT on MY LIFE?

In Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Welcome Home!

You are reading this, not because you chose to take all the trouble to come here and so you must. I chose you to come here, I chose you to read this! Now, do I see a squint in the eyes? ;) There are places and people you must reach, must meet… these are the MUST. You’ve in so many thoughts asked me for this MOMENT…. You’ve asked for this breathing space to take care of you. I don’t always give you things just the way you ask for them, I have my own special ways of letting you know that its OK. Quite strangely, I also gave you the FREE WILL to ignore it!

I have been by your side to let you know I care… THINK!! I’ve always been around… There are days when you know its me… and yet others you CHOOSE to HUSH me up… “There’s so much to do!” and you know what… all I smile… ;) I know better ;) There in the solitude of your thoughts, you are waiting to hear from me… and yet the din that surrounds you is too much for you to hear my little voice. You’ve read my tweets to you’ve smiled and you’ve chosen not to respond. I’m the text messages you’ve ignored to respond to YET stored. Isn’t it amazing that you have blocked me in so many ways and yet, all you want is to know ME.

Isn’t it AMAZING, how we manage to find the true meaning of who we are, when we spend time ISOLATED from the WORLD as we know it and SMILE it the WORLD like WE REALLY KNOW it!

Have a DeePositive Day!