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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I DON’T know… I Believe… I KNOW

The one joy of learning how to remain in GRATITUDE is the power of being fascinated by new learning's from old text ;), with Gratitude you ALLOW the flow of Source Energy to take you from one thing to be grateful for, to another and yet another with each breath.

The words we use become the FACTS of the LIVES we live! A greater understanding of the usage of the English language and the hidden meaning of the words we’ve been taught to use often and yet the deeper effect of its meaning eludes us till we THANK for the WISDOM, does wisdom let us in on a few more SECRETS ;)

There are words we often use, that keep us on the BRINK of a new discovery about our lives and leave us just there, for the ENERGY of the PERSPECTIVE is what truly manifests. In a recent conversation the word BELIEVE was presented to me. Graitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS… gave me a greater understanding of the very usage of the word. BELIEVE. It lets us in on a little SECRET of truly being in AWARENESS of the PRESENT moment.

BELIEVE is a word that keeps you in the CENTRE of what you KNOW and DON’T know. I decided to experiment the validity of the ENERGY in the word… Here is a sentence that demonstrates this, I would recommend that you make your own sentence with the word and NOTE the change in the FLOW of your awareness at the very mention!

I BELIEVE… wherever it is used, gives you a REASON to stay with the THOUGHT, repeat it often, it brings into your experience the possible VALIDATIONS of the THOUGHT becoming a THING… and the process continues… the more we BELIEVE the more our PERSPECTIVE brings into our LIFE the VALIDATION for believing. We co relate all that is happening to something we BELIEVE to be TRUE. We CONTINUE to FIND things to VALIDATE what we believe, sometimes we meet with ABSENCE of what we BELIEVE… and hence, the ABSENCE gets defined as a LIE or UNTRUTH. However, the OPPOSITE of this is often more CONCRETE, the more we BELIEVE something, the more reasons for us to VALIDATE and thus after a while WHAT WE BELIEVE becomes a BELIEF.

Therefore, to remain in the continuity of learning and absorbing, it is recommended to ALTER the usage of the word and bring a new perspective a new FLOW of energy into play. Let us, for the joy of ALLOWING more knowledge to filter into our AWARENESS replace the usage with a more DEFINITIVE inflow.

I KNOW… adds a certainty to the FLOW of KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING the POWER of SOURCE ENERGY. What you KNOW therefore will have a greater impact on the INTENTION becoming a REALITY that we can EXPERIENCE. It is EASIER to share and expand our AWARENESS.

I DON’T KNOW… creates an INTENTION to KNOW more, which is an equally powerful SOURCE ENERGY infilling, since, the intention born from this is really to KNOW more, thus, ALLOWING a greater FLOW of Energy into the YEARNING.

I BELIEVE will take you a longer way down the road of learning, opening your LIFE to experiencing the WITH and WITHOUT of that which you BELIEVE in… only that you may use your FREE WILL to choose.

Isn’t it fascinating to learn how SIMPLE the CREATOR made it for us to understand… Remain in Gratitude, that you may continue to unravel the SIMPLE truth’s about being…

I share with you, all that is shared with me… so that you may live in Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS. That ALL THAT IS.

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