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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Gratitude creates from Thought!

Gratitude is all about creating from thought and living in the now of things. We have learnt it through our experience, working with Gratitude the entire year. Not everyday is a Sunny day, yet the clouds have a story to tell.

Our initiatives and associations have taught us that there is a pandora’s box of “things to be done” to assist ourselves and others to live in Gratitude! That surely does not mean that we give away all that we have, resign to a life under a lamp-post and live on CHARITY! Gratitude allows us the incredible power to connect with all that we have and expand our thoughts to expand our reality. It isn’t about CHARITY… Gratitude is about CLARITY!!

When we meet people we learn new “thoughts” and how they’re becoming “things”… we learn something new about how to assist them to assist ourselves from the “no” we learn to generate new ideas of “how" and from the “yes” we learn that there are new people we have reached! Personally, I have learnt to detach from words and attach to the feeling that I experience in communication.

We all live in a bubble of information that affects and effects change, to choose from the options presented to us, it is imperative that we understand and consume with a deeper awareness of goodness. Even though, I agree, there is more of not so good that surrounds us, there is a personal choice we make that is, at the speed of thought, converting into our realities… and it is scary to see where we’re headed!!

Keep it a simple practice in your life to SMILE at every opportunity, it is the simplest way to stay positive. Yes! Even in times, when your personal world trembles… there is still scope to smile!! A smile, is your way of keeping away the negative KNOWINGS and INFORMATION!! A smile is a powerful tool in balancing thought. Think about it this way, when you smile, you’re sending your brain a signal to attract only a corresponding effect. Your words soften and your emotions begin to settle. You are consciously making a NEW choice to stay positively manifesting a new OUTCOME! This is a brilliant way to stay a THOUGHT AT A TIME Positive and remain in a neutral space of reaction, without totally negating the circumstance presented to you.

Another add on to smiling is the practiced ability to say “thank you”!! Thank you acknowledges the present and presents you with a pause to make a new choice forward. Look back at the moments in your life, when you’ve said “thank you” to someone, for something and with a smile. In that moment you acknowledge the very NOW of that moment with Gratitude. For most people, it is in that moment, that all else has faded and the choices born from Gratitude are presented, for a new choice to be made… and this choice, well, is a confidence booster!! Words split and invite a brand new meaning and this meaning… in my personal experience, Thank You has invited a plethora of new feelings and meanings to different words!!

Take time today to create a new tomorrow… smile… you know you are creating and don’t forget to say “thank you” often enough to feel the magic work within you and through you!!


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

10150 tokens of light… filling the space between GIVING and RECEIVING

When we decided to experiment with Santa Workshop Diwali, we intended to let the LIGHT we were celebrating guide us! We knew, that this wasn’t any ordinary intent, we understood that it wouldn’t be easy… yet we said… “let’s spread light” and YES, we were surprised… joyfully… at how much we got to learn from this one experiment… we set a new trend, a little silently… as people celebrated the festival of lights all around the city and gifts were exchanging hearts and hands at the frequency of light…

At the centre we were wrapping up “tokens of light”, smiling away, singing… knowing it was all going to be very special, this year… there was going to be a new beginning for all of us. We knew, that in the melee of celebrations, there are still some who GIVE with so much joy… we knew that there were some truly special people, who’d love to GIVE, especially during Diwali… So, I picked up the phone on Murphy Raphael John… a dear friend and the President of R.O.P.I.O Foundation… and asked, if his team… would like to play Santa for Diwali and spread “tokens of light” in the city!! What I got… was a BIG “YES” and that is where it all began Smile

Like every new concept, we did find our famous question marks and we did find our blank expressions and we did find so many people who said “why”… in the middle of the melee we found three very special people… Manni & Pooja & Rahul … all of whom said “yes” with enthusiasm. And we were on with Santa Workshop|Tokens of Light!!

The Workshop was an experience… filled with Light & Love! We wrapped 10,000 gifts and then went out distributing… this time, we got very confused looking people… who, once we chatted with… did smile! People were surprised to get little gifts, especially since they don’t associate Diwali with free gifts from strangers, much less a foundation. It is amazing, how excited people get when they receive and the richer experience is really for the children who play Santa… the empowered giving is something we can learn from. They don’t see the WHO of the receivers, they’re just super excited to be giving.

One of our Santa’s Ajay of R.O.P.I.O did find it a little strange, he was worried about people’s reactions and the fear of rejection… natural. Well, says a lot about the truth, that people are scared of receiving just as much as they are of giving. And especially, when it comes without a condition. The smiles, with which we distribute, in my understanding is the fine line that needs to be crossed by the receivers. Then came the idea, to spread the light through the one place, where people go to buy literature that will change their lives and a resounding yes from “Teksons Bookshop” made it possible for us to share the light and love with people who read… in this way creating a parallel example for them to experience Gratitude and Intent, that we all wish to learn and master. The grandest surprise, well, when my dear friend, Veer Suklecha, initiated a mini workshop in Mumbai… it gives me great joy to see the expansion of a small effort… that people were moved to experiment and experience the magic. Mumbai is where I was born, my deep intent, was to have this workshop in Mumbai too!! Manifested through a friend!! As I write this piece I am filled with a sense of AWE… watching an idea, complete itself and teach me to continue to do the work I do… It is a GIFT to follow a less trodden path… and it is priceless to RECEIVE,  everything I needed for completion… and I still feel there is so much to learn… so much to go L.I.V.E with… and the most important of all… WE HAVE SO MUCH WE MUST DO… to assist people to GIVE and RECEIVE!

Giving isn’t about the Have, Have Nots and the Have a lot! Giving isn’t about shades of grey, here we are, clearing the air, teaching some how to give and still others how to receive and we do all of this to create a more gratitude filled knowing, that it is still possible to receive without tags or cash commitments. We are so grateful for the people who contribute to the cause to make it possible for us, so, it is a fact, that there are generous givers, who enable the process and share of their have’s for others to receive. What a brilliant way to create again a sense of SURPRISE and a deeper knowing, that everything isn’t simply taken away from us… we do receive!!! And the question really is… “ARE WE OPEN TO RECEIVE”

As I look back at the learning of this workshop, a workshop you can surely look forward to NEXT year… a larger number of givers and receivers… shall come together to create more Gratitude. We have much to learn about receiving as we do about giving. The one core ingredient that makes it all possible is our Gratitude for what we already have and all that we’ll ever want… we must be ready to RECEIVE as well as GIVE!

There is so much not right with our world, everyday, we have enough news to let us know that. Then again, someday, on some street, there will be someone who hands you a tiny gift and wishes you light and love and in accepting this gift, you accept GOODNESS, for the intent that the funds were raised, the gifts wrapped and the warmth with which they are given… is an indication that God is watching out to GIVE to you and maybe, just maybe, you have forgotten how to RECEIVE!

Give it a THOUGHT… we’re coming back with Santa Workshop|Tokens of Gratitude soon… and we’d love for you to be a part of the absolute joy of the energy and love!!

A video and a few pictures we’d like you to see…

The Wrapping … The DistributionSanta Workshop 2011

and we hope to meet you in THOUGHT WORD and DEED at Santa Workshop|Tokens of Gratitude as we too transition from “Santa Hugs of Light” to “Santa Hugs of Gratitude”

Monday, September 17, 2012

National Children’s Parliament: August 3rd–5th 2012


When Murphy Raphael John came to speak to me about the National Children’s Parliament initiative… I remember it was the night of the opening o f the Olympics 2012!!! I remember our conversation… two animated characters… sharing thoughts, reviewing ideas!! The one most appealing and exciting quality I love about Murph… is his enthusiasm and I can tell you … it is CONTAGIOUS!!!

Our special relationship began with Santa Workshop… and to this day we admire the vision we share… our paths are very different, yet the goal is the same… to create powerful moments of personal growth and empowerment for those people who connect with our vision. I find it so exciting each time we exchange ideas and vision!! It is amazing energy!! So, before the Olympic ceremony began… We were already excited about being a part of the National Children’s Parliament in any way that we could… the pleasure and experience, we knew was all ours!! Getting closer, our group was revealed…. “Behavioral Changes”, guess, we knew WHY!!! At DeePositive, it has been our excitement to assist and inspire a NEW THOUGHT forward and our core ingredient, well, GRATITUDE!!! One behaviour change, we know should go viral is GRATITUDE!! Once Gratitude is invited, the rest of the experience is a growth, physically, mentally and spiritually! There is more than enough awareness of WHAT IS NOT RIGHT.

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Meeting up with the children, a thrill… seeking minds, thinking minds and open minds, craving a new future… yet, so engrossed in the ADULT VISION that they needed to be prodded to speak their age, be their age and live their age. As a grown woman, I can promise you, that being 16 is beautiful when you’re simply being 16. For a lot of us, the want or need to grow up was so upon us, that we’re living 16 at 35 and loving it!! Knowing that we can balance the madness, because the choices we made then, were informed, we lived 16 and loved being 16 and now, we can still dip into being 16 without forgetting that 35 has its specialness too!


Children speaking harshly about politics and using language that they’ve inherited from adult communication is an alarming signal and should be taken pretty seriously… if their unbiased minds is filled with the hate that we so comfortably express as adults, we’re raising a TIME BOMB future for our country. It is essential for CHILDREN to speak their age, love it and learn to be it!!! It is our job as adults to prepare them to take charge of the future of INDIA!! The workshop was an eye-opener… most children reflected a MEDIA point of view… somewhere, in the harsh reality of their LIFE EXPERIENCES is a bitterness, that reflects in their speech. Sarcasm and Judgmental in their approach to peers and seniors reflects more on their exposure to CORRECT than be CORRECTED.

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The conversation as part of the group… I was more keen to let the children conclude and in the conclusion, achieve a new thought forward, that was simple… a simple and doable act… that can begin the process of inviting a larger audience to a behavioral change… we took the problems and tried to calculate WHO THE SOLUTION IS… and the children, to our happy surprise concluded that any behavioral change in society begins with a personal decision to CHANGE!!! So, as a group we decided to SMILE and say THANK YOU more often and share this simple BEHAVIORAL CHANGE at different levels of relationships in our lives. Something, only a child can advocate and a child can create something even more beautiful as a part of the future of this country.


On Day II it was ACTIVITIES and we took up two… Ashok and I took the workshop for ad making and Evelyn took the Choreography workshop!!! Fun, yes, we actually had a chance to assist the children convert their conversations of Day I and create memories on Day II!! Surprising, the children who were making ads had absorbed some vital key points that they chose to ADVOCATE on day II… In my memory, there were these two boys who were from the group CHILD ABUSE and their main recall from the previous day was the number 1098 which is the helpline for children!! There were some that HEARD but didn’t listen, absorbed by their need for recognition and so, their first WORD forward was to CHALLENGE and CONTRADICT themselves, something they must’ve picked up watching the parliamentary sessions on TV… where everyone wants to speak and NO ONE CAN ACTUALLY BE HEARD!! What came across as a learning from the children is that their need to be RIGHT was more important than them understanding HOW TO BE RIGHT!

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More importantly, we learned, that we would like to be a part of a multitude of children’s lives, we want to assist them in being children and loving everyday of their growing years. We’ve all had our share of challenges while growing up, some helped us grow faster and still others kept the child alive and celebrating. I guess, our exposure to MEDIA HATE CAMPAIGNS were much less or for the more KNOWING ones like ME… I chose, very early to experience life as it unfolded, looking rarely towards the television or internet (more so because we were not exposed to it) to form an opinion about PEOPLE without understanding their experiences first.



What is heartening and creates so much excitement, is the fact that, children absorb pretty intensely that which we give them in terms of information, it is important for us to be extremely aware of our communication, to ensure that we are in fact, passing on THAT WHICH assists them in CREATING a BETTER world not a BITTER world view!

Day III was a day to celebrate the voices of children and as exciting as it gets, my heart rejoiced to see how 4 kids who worked with us on Day I and Day II, made it to the Parliament Winking smile and shared the dias with a real time MLA… Open-mouthed smile For us it is God’s way of letting us know that our work with Children, which began with R.O.P.I.O Foundation at Santa Workshop a DeePositive Foundation initiative is leading us to a brand new area of work in which we are but meant to INITIATE A NEW THOUGHT!!! The most exciting part of day III is when Hemani from our group spoke about behavioural changes and her speech as a citizen was acknowledged by MLA Rajesh… most importantly, it wasn’t a speech we assisted her in writing, she spoke with confidence, using her learnings of the last two days as part of her speech!!! It is amazing, how much you can learn from  children… if you ALLOW them the FREEDOM to speak their age and live it.

We are of the opinion that we need more initiatives like the National Children’s Parliament, which gives us the opportunity to work with children and in a very insane way, visit ourselves as children again… remember… how we once wanted to make a difference in the way the world thinks… an opportunity… that comes from a chance to connect as children with children and lead a generation to a whole new THOUGHT FORWARD!!!


Special Thanks to some truly special people… Murphy, Rakesh for standing tall and creating the NCP! Rahul, Suruchika, Yamini, Surabhi, Kajal, Akash, Karan, Suraj, Rahul John, Francis, Ashraf, Chetan, Hemani, Gulshan, Ashok, Evelyn, Shruti, Sonam….. for helping us make a difference in our lives by allowing us the pleasure of being a part of yours!!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

My Greed: A Gratitude filled life!!

I dream of a world filled with so much gratitude, that when a problem arrives… and we know it will, we use the power of a Grateful Knowing instead of Hateful Showing. For generations before us, there have been issues and hurt… there has also been a deep awareness of faith!!

We speak of a deep faith, yet, when a problem arrives, we move to a place of judgment and live from the energy it creates within us. That energy is becoming a greater reality and we are of the impression, that these external circumstances are OUTSIDE ourselves!! We don’t even have the slightest inkling of HOW we contribute to CREATING this energy.

Shrink your universe and you’ll know, that often, your THOUGHT, which is in REACTION to your ABSORBING of ENERGY these circumstances create… is the big “YES” you send into the universe to either punish the offenders or defend the oppressed! It is easy to get drawn into the world drama of how “THE END IS NEAR” and the signs we see all tell us it is TRUE!! Yet, the ONLY one who can change it all my dear friend is YOU!!!

I have found it difficult myself to STOP long enough to choose a thought forward, with PRACTICE however, it is possible to find a more grateful stance to a vibration that causes us to be drawn to a more hateful disposition.

It isn’t easy, I must admit, to CLOSE out the BAD and FOCUS on the GOOD alone!! Then again, when you follow your dreams… the negatives are often the force that assists you in Marching FORWARD with more confidence? The power of positive projection, comes from a regular practice of Gratitude. In order for YOU to stay practicing, you invite many challenges that are quite the opposite, instead of looking at them as BLOCKS, recognise them as “PRACTICE SESSIONS”

I remember, last year, when I created Santa Workshop… I had many people who reminded me, that it was a mad effort, some told me it is impossible, could have legal implications. Some saw it as a “MONEY MAKING RACKET” Winking smile and still others kept projecting it as a CHARITY event. In my heart, I knew, that the INTENT was to spread a little gratitude to those who aren’t often RECOGNISED as vital contributors to our everyday life. I kept THANKING for every little N.U.D.G.E in the direction of completion. I felt ALONE and I cried… I cried to JESUS… knowing that this was a test of my INTENT. I received the KNOWLEDGE that ONLY THOSE with MATCHING INTENT, would find their way to the project. Had the REJECTIONS affected my INTENT, maybe, today, SANTA WORKSHOP would still only be an IDEA!! I KNEW the INTENT was pure and from the purity of intent, the project drew unto itself, Dedicated.Enthusiastic.Empowered.Positive people and results. I knew in my heart… that this is exactly what we had set out to achieve… and it was bettered with GOD’s grace.

I had to think of all the sources that brought me to “DOUBT”, make a CHOICE to let them STRAY or STAY and ASK for DIVINE INTELLIGENCE to guide my next steps. COMMITTING the project to GRATITUDE was all it took to START!! So, practically, GOD gave me an experience, of GRATITUDE in ACTION!!

Gratitude, comes with a plethora of CHALLENGES to CHOOSE from and it is UPTO YOU… to make that CHOICE. The question I’ve often heard in my head in a CHALLENGE is… HOW CAN I BE GRATEFUL FOR THIS? I feel the void the challenge creates and sometimes it can be an abyss!! I recognise that the CHOICE I make will determine the OUTCOME… and so, I retreat into the KNOWINGNESS that GOD HAS ME COVERED… and ASK GOD, for GUIDANCE! Then I THANK with all my heart… for the KNOWING of the PAIN and the EXCITEMENT that GOD is going to respond to me!!! It all happens in GOD’S TIME… and everything is SET IN PLACE for me to CELEBRATE, COMPLETION.

There are also times, when I am super excited about something, I know that I am meant to take a step… yet, my DOUBTS are sometimes far stronger… I spend time in GRATITUDE for the DOUBTS… for GRATITUDE is REVEALING to me through my DOUBT, that I may have LEFT OUT someone or something that I should’ve considered as part of my GRATITUDE!! DOUBTS, are GOD’S way of making us AWARE, that this particular issue/situation has another possible CHOICE, that we haven’t taken into consideration. To WAIT for GUIDANCE and have FAITH that GOD is orchestrating the PERFECT result, for the BEST POSSIBLE OUTCOME!! Last year, when we were finding a home for Santa Workshop, I remember, wanting to finalise a place in Chattarpur, which, till 4 days before, in my mind was the perfect place… yet, when I did go to meet the personnel, I felt out of alignment, out of Gratitude… I remember, walking out of the meeting and knowing for sure… that I didn’t want our Santa Workshop to be in that space… Suddenly… Santa Workshop didn’t have a HOME!! I prayed that night, knowing GOD had a better plan… and I felt the LOVE OF GOD, embrace me… letting me know, that he is leading me… and the next morning, I met Fr. Stanley…. and Santa Workshop had a home… Yusuf SadanOpen-mouthed smile

I feel like the whole world could do with a little Gratitude and this is only possible once we can begin to see how Gratitude is working in our lives… WE really do need to get a little GREEDY for GRATITUDE!!!

Today, all I ask you to do… is to look back at your entire life… and take a note of MOMENTS YOU are GRATEFUL FOR.. and WANT MORE!!!

Monday, July 16, 2012

“I am YOU”: A new vibrational connect

YOU… the very vibration of the word UNIVERSE!! Each time we ACNKOWLEDGE YOU, we acknowledge the UNIVERSE within YOU!!

The powerful vibration of “I am YOU”… Begins with I AM… to harness the powerful vibration of Creation itself. The I AM that created ALL THAT IS … expands through your own personal experiences.

To begin to understand where you are at in your Vibrational Connect with I am… a beautiful exercise…

I am…

One with the creator energy I represent in person.

Two very powerful energies in one. Who I really am and Who I have become through my powerful personal experiences

Three parts of me that co-exist to co-create. My Super Conscious, My Conscious and My Sub Conscious

Four Directional protection is my intent and desire… 1) from above that I may receive 2) to the left where my past experiences rest 3) to the right where my future experiences expand 4) Below me, my present moment where I am.

Five senses direct my awareness, 1) the sense of sight 2) The sense of listening 3) the sense of smell 4) the sense of taste 5) the sense of touch

Sixth sense, the sense in which I balance my 5 senses, this sense is the guidance I receive from my super conscious in accordance to my choices

the balance of Seven energy centres that are aligned divinely by my asking that I may continue to find within, the motivation and inspiration I need to co-create. 1) the root chakra 2) the sacral chakra 3) the solar plexis chakra 4) the heart chakra 5) the throat chakra 6) the third eye chakra 7) the crown

As I raise my intent to heaven, I ask you to to now, breathe deeply and allow each energy to be raised with gratitude to a brand new experience of I AM in your life today and always!!

For the promise is given to those who CLAIM it!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Co-Inspired Life: “Reverse Gratitude”

I had a very high vibration experience, with what I now choose to call “Reverse Gratitude” on three different occasions in the last couple of weeks. The sense of balancing life’s events that once were painful memories… that I have decided that I can now share it with YOU.

How, every incident/Occurrence in our lives is meant for a purpose, to teach us something. More often than not… if we haven’t reached the lesson, acknowledged and accepted the purpose the incident was meant to serve… we continue hurting. And we all don’t really want to hurt.. now… or in the future!! Do we?

Then again, to be able to acknowledge it, we must bring to our awareness the truth of the WHY of the event. The truth, can only be revealed when we accept it as an event in which we can find a reason to be grateful for the occurrence. Some memories, have multiple WHY’s… each WHY a lesson!! So, while I prepare a whole technique, which you will be able to read in “The Co-Inspired Life”, my second book!! Here’s a pilot… to help you help me by Co-Inspiring the COMPLETE “Reverse Gratitude” module!!

Here’s how to begin the process

1) Do this when you have 21 minutes of YOU time OR you have a partner you can do this with, sharing with someone, can bring up even more powerful memories of Gratitude!

2) Think about a which area of your life you would like to heal the past  of to create a brand new experience NOW:

a) Relationships b) Profession c) Social d) Family e) Finances f) Personal etc..

3) Now find one THOUGHT that makes you feel a sense of gratitude. Let’s take RELATIONSHIPS… You could choose one particular relationship… or a community relationship. Even if the memories hurt… and they will… find ONE MEMORY from all of them that does make you smile. Just ONE Winking smile


4) Now begin to trace backwards… all the events that led to this MOMENT of Gratitude!!

a) who introduced you… there maybe multiple sources… through whom you met!! Express your Gratitude to those people… events… memories.

5) How did you meet those people… who introduced you?? go back… to that moment… you’ll find it amusing that your memories… will take you places Winking smile People, events, moments…  that will make you smile.

6) As you continue to “thank in reverse order” you will realise, that some of the events you ONCE found painful to remember… are really the KEY events that you did not connect with as part of your gratitude.

7) Keep asking yourself questions as you float backwards with Gratitude. Here are some that can help you dig deeper :

a) What was happening in that memory? and thank for it.

b) Who was in this memory with me? and be grateful for them.

c) How did I get to this particular memory? what happened that led to this particular event? and be grateful for the trigger!!! 

To cut the story short… so that you can begin your own “REVERSE GRATITUDE” …. here’s what I am most Grateful for RIGHT NOW in my life….

If my parents hadn’t SEPARATED when I was 5… I wouldn’t have been here… sharing this phenomenal technique with you Open-mouthed smile 

Here’s wishing you HEALING and LOVE… think and thank… the past has a purpose… and your NOW is WITNESS of it!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!!

Here’s wishing each of you a thrilling experience of the person of Jesus!!

May the radiance of the RISEN SON… fill your lives with divine experiences!!

Team DeePositive

Monday, April 2, 2012

G.I.V.E is about YOU!!

When creating project G.I.V.E, it comes with a greater purpose of assisting people find their own personal WOW moments.

I guess, our reason for wanting to put out an ambitious project like G.I.V.E is to remind ourselves and others that there is so much more to us that we choose to believe it.

There is also so much more to G.I.V.E than just charity or things or money! When we G.I.V.E of ourselves, we begin to expand our own understanding and potential. When we come together, we begin to see, how some of us not only have common talents, we also have common fears about those talents, often postponing happiness till we are too tired or frustrated to move beyond that fear.

I have a very special friend an artist, who I’ve known for many years now, a man with brilliant talent, know how and motivation to make his talent, a lifestyle statement and brand. Yet, the trappings of BILLS, keeps him from spending more time with the brush… confidently.

I know atleast 50 people, in top jobs in corporates, who would like to explore their dreams and yet, are restricted by their “I have no time”… tag. I realised, after taking the BIG risk to follow my dreams… that it does take a lot of courage… risk of bankruptcy and a lot of turned backs… before you reach your FIRST BREAK… we did it with Santa Workshop!! I realised, what I had to G.I.V.E myself, was the opportunity to fail for real Winking smile God’s been good… We’ve crossed the fear of failure into taking a bigger step.

G.I.V.E is about bringing ideas to the table, finding the ones in which the RISK is high… and saying YES, each day for the phenomenal way in which our project helps us live the DeePositive Vision!

What we have to G.I.V.E is YOU in this project, we’re inviting you to find a new expression… by choice. It is a platform, to begin… watching YOU … invite yourself, to TAKE THE RISK of YOU… at your fullest potential.

I have a friend, who just took up a full time life as a photographer… what impresses me, is that she does G.I.V.E 100 percent to every shot she takes. It is amazing, how, when you look at her photographs she manages to make it LIVE… for the view to feel the presence of the people being photographed.

Another fascinating photographer friend, loves taking pictures of landscapes, such a pretty pictorial tribute to the beauty of the hills and valleys… where eagles dare to fly.

We would like YOU to find your personal G.I.V.E and share it with us… that we learn a new way to G.I.V.E from you.

So, if you have a talent… a dream or you would like to begin to see yourself and your dreams from a new perspective… feel free to write to us…

we’re interested in meeting budding filmmakers… advertising and communication enthusiasts… social networking buffs… artists… dreamers… all under the fascinating banner of “G.I.V.E”

write to us Smile 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Learning to G.I.V.E anew!!

We often struggle with the word G.I.V.E… I know I do!!

give, gave, will give, have given, give of, give from, give my, give to, give, keep giving, give up, give in, give away, give out, give way, give a, give _______!!!

When Gratitude invites us to a deeper understanding of the power of G.I.V.E, we begin to see a new point of WE YOU (view) from which to create again.

G for Gratitude

Giving begins with “G”… goodness, grace, gift, gentleness… the most potent of all the G words… “Gratitude”. When we give from our Gratitude, we must be aware of that which we are grateful for, FIRST, in our own lives before we can GIVE of it!

Step 1: Make a list of all that YOU are grateful for. First thought forward are the TANGIBLES…

That which you can see and are pleased. In yourself, in your immediate surroundings, in your workspace, in your social space, in your country, in your continent, in the world. 

That which you can hear and are pleased. That which you say and hear of yourself and others, in your immediate surroundings, in your workplace, in your social space, in your country, in your continent, in the world.

That which you can touch and are pleased. That which you can touch and feel, in your immediate surroundings, in your workplace, in your social space, in your country, in your continent, in the world.

That which you can taste and are pleased. That which you consume in thought word and deed, in your immediate surroundings, in your workplace, in your social space, in your country, in your continent, in the world.

That which you can smell and are pleased. That which you can smell of, in your immediate surroundings, in your workplace, in your social space, in your country, in your continent, in the world.

G.I. :Gratitude.Inspired

When this list is exhausted… you will be led… to what we all know is the 6th sense (a beautiful resource on the understanding is discovered. Would encourage you to read some more by following the link). The INTANGIBLE!! The beautiful space of KNOWING beyond the 5 senses… this is developed only in the presence of the deeper gratitude for the TANGIBLE!! For the IN-TANGIBLE… lies within the Tangible and yet is a beautiful vibration of it’s own… it’s the space where you begin to understand the WHY of creation!!

Tapping in to the 6th sense, is the unfolding of the WHEN, WHO, WHAT, WHY, HOW and NOW of your UNIQUE PURPOSE of CREATION.

A deeper Gratitude that will INSPIRE you to be YOU at the fullest… BEAUTIFUL!! In this INSPIRATION filled experience of GRATITUDE, you begin to ALLOW yourself to ACCEPT your uniqueness!! Such a powerful, beautiful openness to ALL THAT IS created… KNOWING that ALL THAT IS created has a PURPOSE… Including YOU!! A purpose beyond… the 5 physical senses. ALLOW this stillness to INSPIRE YOU!!

In this inspiration… here’s what you can do to ACCELERATE the experience. I learnt this from the first book in the self help space, I met… “Life Beyond Limits” by Robert B Stone!! An absolute treasure trove of experience that began my journey way back in 1999!!

Close your eyes… take a deep breath… bring your awareness to your heart beat… and in your mind give instructions to yourself “head turn towards the left”… and bring back your awareness to your breathing… repeat the instruction to yourself in your mind, “head turn towards the left” and bring your awareness back to your heart beat. The power of your mind shall begin to reveal itself to you and let you know how powerful even a subtle thought can be… ENJOY this moment… smile!!

…. this is the beginning of the rest of your spiritual life… you’ve invited your CONSCIOUS awareness into that which you CAN DO… by thought alone… let this moment fill you with a new VISION… a new belonging in a space where you are CONNECTED to SOURCE… the CREATIVE ENERGY you ARE!!

G.I.V… Gratitude.Inspired.Vision

In this moment… ASK of your GRATITUDE.INSPIRED thoughts to come together… that your PURPOSE, your VISION maybe REVEALED to you!! This picture, that is formed in your MIND… is a POWERFUL beginning into understand that which you CAN GIVE of yourself… for in this PICTURE, CREATED of your own ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of YOU… is the VISION that you can GIVE of YOURSELF!!

It is time NOW, to take out a BOOK and begin your own personal Gratitude Journal… each day as you practice ALLOWING and ACCEPTING this beautiful VISION of yourself and your unique purpose, you begin to MANIFEST a into your REALITY.

It is important to remember at this point to remain in a playful CHILDLIKE state of creating… you can move things around… put the pieces together that make you feel a deeper gratitude. Your PURPOSE will slowly be revealed to you through the fantastic images presented in the vision!! Each day… for 7 days… create time… to close your eyes and bring this vision back to your CONSCIOUS AWARENESS and recreate… get playful… you may choose to take these 5 minutes time off… while working on your computer… taking a long walk… reading a book, watching TV, speaking to a friend, writing a note, cooking in the kitchen… allow your VISION to find it’s own expression!! That is where your PASSION lies… my friend. And in your PASSION lies your PURPOSE.

In every VISION, there are SIGNIFICANT others involved, some who we may KNOW in person, others who we  may KNOW NOT YET!! There maybe feelings we UNDERSTAND and yet others we may still have to EXPERIENCE!! We may have many questions that need answers…

G.I.V.E Gratitude.Inspired. Vision. Exchange!!

A platform to EXCHANGE our personal visions with each other. A space to collectively CREATE a more powerful INTENTIONS for a better NOW for ourselves and others around the world. A space in which our personal visions come together to create a more Dedicated.Enthusiastic.Empowered.Positive VISION for our personal lives, our professional lives, our social lives, our patriotic lives, our country, our continent, our world. 

In this space of G.I.V.E we would like to INVITE you to bring with you… THOUGHTS, WORDS, ACTIONS that inspire you, that they may inspire us too!!

That we may come together to INSPIRE a NEW I, a NEW WE, A NEW US, A NEW INDIA… a new REALITY in which each person… we meet  may G.I.V.E of themselves that we may learn to G.I.V.E to humankind… a NEW and UNIQUE EXPERIENCE!!

In Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!

to stay connected to what we’re doing, who we’re partnering with and what’s NEXT… like our page on Facebook “DeePositive Foundation”


Monday, February 20, 2012

An Awestruck Tourist…

… knows…

…That every experience, is a GIFT!

…That every grey cloud does have a silver lining, that inspires a new vision!

… that even though every coin has two sides, the side that faces you is always the UP side Winking smile !!

… that the most beautiful experiences of life ARE FREE!!

… that every breath is an opportunity to be in Gratitude for life as it is.

We’re all engrossed in living the future!! It isn’t unnatural to be absorbed by the future, we’re all preparing ourselves for it, right. However, the more emphatic truth about the future, is that, by the time it arrives, it is the NOW that we live.

It is essential to dream/plan the future, in the form of but one RELEVANT question, that will balance out the opportunity to LIVE NOW and CREATE tomorrow by CHOICE!!

What can I do NOW to create the future I desire?

This is a question we often don’t stop too long to ask ourselves!! Read it again, NOW!! Close your eyes… and you will see, a clear picture of ONE action you can take right now to begin to create… again!! Till you reach another NOW moment, when you realise, IT IS COMPLETE!!

Right NOW, as I write this post, I see the future through it. Someday in another NOW moment, I will read this post and smile… for I will relieve this NOW in the future… for THIS PARTICULAR moment, is when the future presents itself as a THOUGHT, before it sets out to become the NOW of ANOTHER TIME!! I think is the FUTURE and yet it is the NOW of THAT MOMENT!!

Now, I see a day in the NOW of the FUTURE… where I am the toast of a generation! And still am… even in that moment, An Awestruck Tourist… radiating a certain KNOWING, that another dream, is a reality. Prophecy… well no… just knowing Winking smile

I hear the words Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS… being chanted by a large group. Each creators of their reality, focused in the NOW of Gratitude for ALL THAT IS!! For they KNOW and have CLAIMED their powerful roles as CREATORS of their own NOW.

I see the 7 power filled icons of my NOW in thought in the reality of the NOW of that moment. The seven symbols of DeePositive proudly expressing themselves in the many lives that represent living DeePositive to the fullest. Each a symbol of COMPLETE in the NOW of that moment… born right here in the NOW of THIS MOMENT in time.

I feel the power of Gratitude deep within me!! Radiated all around me and through the millions of lives that practice Gratitude as their first thought each morning, right through the day, through their lives into the collective consciousness of the world. I feel the excitement in the many voices that share their own special testimonies of their D.E.E.P experience with Gratitude that enables them to live in L.O.V.E consciously. I feel the world is lighter, people are brighter and life is like we desired in a PAST NOW moment and are experiencing the NOW of that MOMENT!!

I touch, in awe symbols of the journey… to this tourist destination. Each object, is a memory of the starting point of the NOW, when they were set in thought to the NOW of their fulfillment!!

Awestruck… receiving the future destinations I will travel to… and in the NOW of this moment. More reason, really to stay AWESTRUCK in Gratitude… allowing the NOW to uncover, the path, one destination at a time. 

Now… I truly do understand, that God has always had a plan for my life! Every event to this day, this breath is planned and executed just perfectly. A deeper understanding of the WHY of event management, being my chosen expression in life… the incredible experience of creating and carefully planning the NOW of the FUTURE NOW… the event.

Awestruck… and backpacking again Winking smile God has mysterious ways… want to always be ready with enough Gratitude Credits to confidently take the next trip! Open-mouthed smile

Saturday, February 11, 2012


We seek, we find and in finding we are COMPLETE!! When we are COMPLETE, we find that which we seek!

We wake up more aware of that which we “need to do” and oh the list is endless, we go about the motions of a day, still having a long list to complete… thoughts to fight… actions to justify… chores… more chores… till we lay back in bed… too tired to dream… too worried about tomorrow to sleep peacefully enough… and if …all is well… we begin to feel restless again… looking through the day in our minds… wondering if we have indeed forgotten something important… we get a feeling we have… and continue to fill in the blank space… with ANOTHER THING TO DO Winking smile

Our greatest learning is, in the middle of a TWISTER, life throws at us! For the vibration of the words WE choose, truly begin to make sense… that is… if we’re willing to test their theories, their promises in the valley of doubt… too hard yet essential. The Grand revealing…  a sneak peak at the “COMPLETE”.

Created for you, by you and through you that the vibrational world maybe RE-Discovered, for in CREATION… ALL THAT IS… IS COMPLETE by definition that it IS CREATED!!

Testing COMPLETE is an experience, we don’t often try till we are CERTAIN Winking smile Guess, that is the choice we make… to seek a GOOD FEELING from our CHECKLIST Smile being ticked… therefore… COMPLETE!!

Then again, if you already checked off everything, the new identification… WHAT NEEDS to get DONE… if all is ALREADY DONE… which begins a new CHECKLIST… ha ha ha… and a checklist, keeps us GOING till we’re totally exhausted… till our mind is saturated… till our vision turns weak… and we’re too weak to even take another step… our bodies… then STOP functioning… making us STOP to CREATE AGAIN!! Yet, unless we do something drastically different… life seems to REPEAT itself, quite endlessly, offering another CHANCE to CHOOSE again… till we find the CHOICE that IS COMPLETE!!

We all seek COMPLETION… if that be the END… therefore, the inner need to constantly COMPLETE… and born of the NEED to COMPLETE… we COMPETE, COMPLIMENT, COMPARE, COMPUTE, COMPLICATE, COMPLY, COMPREHEND, COMPOSE, COMMIT and COMPLETELY lose the essence of STILLNESS long enough to KNOW that we ARE.

Why COMPLICATE COMPLETE Winking smile Let’s just give it it’s RIGHT place in CREATION… for ALL THAT IS… IS COMPLETE!!

So, here’s a toast to COMPLETE…


In my acknowledging my own COMPLETEness… I acknowledge CREATION within me and so, I can see you as COMPLETE…

I allow the vibration of COMPLETEness to radiate through me that I may see ALL THAT IS… as  COMPLETE.

As it was in the beginning of CREATION is NOW  COMPLETE and EVER SHALL BE… COMPLETE without END!!




Monday, February 6, 2012

The Secret of all ages… is in the VIBRATION of the name “JESUS”

“G’s US” or “G.E.E’s US” … that Gratitude is the best TEACHER ever!! That Gratitude is in the vibration of a thought… not in the projection of it.

“Gratitude is US”… Jesus!! For, me, all I have to do is take his name… and the VIBRATION of his name… REVEALS that which I must KNOW of GRATITUDE in that MOMENT!!   The vibration Jesus represents is the essence of pure gratitude… it’s all in the name… does have a deeper meaning. The vibration of the name of Jesus… so brilliant… that it is an EXPERIENCE in itself… D.E.E.P in vibration… the name of Jesus, itself has the abundance of creation…. the mystery of all time.

The vibration of the name of Jesus is the magic of all times… for in it is answer to an oft repeated question… “What’s in a name?” The meaning of his beautiful name… far deeper than the interpretations thus far, far more insightful than every book we’ve ever read… we can only imagine how blissful life can be when we understand the INTANGIBLE INFINITE wisdom of the ages… that has been presented to us in the JIG SAW of thoughts we receive when we begin to ALLOW the HOLY SPIRIT to REVEAL to us … that which… in our REALITY we already KNOW!! For we come from the same ONE source that created ALL THAT IS!!

Gratitude gives us the ALTITUDE we need to get a glimpse into the fascinating realm of KNOWING how perfectly “co-inspired” creation really is… Jesus speaks through us today… in accordance to our ASKING of him… delivered to us through the HOLY SPIRIT the all KNOWING sub-conscious… waiting for our CHOICE to channel this KNOWLEDGE to our CONSCIOUS KNOWING!!

The meaning of Jesus in my life has evolved over the years… and it’s impressive how… his place in my life has continued to expand into an understanding that is immensely radiating through my life… and in KNOWING that… makes it so much easier to begin to decipher the code Winking smile mentally… that life may continue to REVEAL to me… and through me!

Last week… the PRESENT CONTINUOS tense… revealed another secret Winking smile … we use soooooooooo many words in our vocabulary that end in “ING” … Loving, Giving, Living, Being, Having, Hating, Knowing, Writing, Eating, Meaning, Discriminating, Debating, Walking, Talking, Laughing, Gossiping, meeting, praying…. well I am sure, you’ve just gone into your own personal vocabulary to create your own personal list too Winking smile .

Here’s a secret… I received… ING words… no matter what the meaning of the word we prefix… is a REMINDER to stay “in Gratitude”…

When writing about Jesus, there is a child-like excitement, so many memories begin to flood my joy… brings a smile to my heart… to only begin to understand how powerful a presence he’s been in  my life… revealing to me… the HOW, NOW that I may share it… that this KNOWING maybe revealed to you too!!

I learnt along the way, that Jesus is a RELATIONSHIP experience with ALL THAT IS life has to offer!! Any THOUGHT I surrender to him… returns with the ANSWER… an experience from his life… that I can learn from.

When I find my self WANTING… I realise… that I already have it in HIM and THROUGH him it manifests as I CHOOSE to see it!! I realised, that through my relationship with him… everything truly begins to look feel and BE like him… guiding a new perspective.

Jesus hasn’t ever… in my relationship with him… TOLD ME WHAT TO DO… HE just reveals to me… two perspectives from which I am free to choose… and as I learnt from him, I now give myself the CHOICE to live in his vibration… of Gratitude… and in staying connected through Gratitude… I’ve learned how to LET GO… Knowing.

Jesus, has showed me… in his own special way… how BLESSED my life is… with Gratitude!! His life helped me understand, how each LiFE EVENT… has shaped the person I am… in looking back… I am overwhelmed… awestruck at the WHY’s of those times that have now become my testimony!!

Jesus’ life represents ALL THAT IS possible… Everything you can dream of he’s already DONE or been through… the magic is in finding your own PERSONAL interpretation of your own life… The person of Jesus is the COMMON MAN… the COMMON LIFE… and all about COMMON SENSE responses that he drew into his COMMON CONVERSATION!!

“Gratitude is US”… is a LIFE TIME legacy that he leaves back… to remind us… of HIMSELF through us… He came that Gratitude may evolve through him… and in creating our own personal experience of him… radiate through us too!!

I choose to wish you a Gratitude Experience that will change your life forever… just like it has for me! May the Gratitude within you find expression and radiance through your own special perspective… and live through you as you share it with others!!

Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!






Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Unconditional L.O.V.E!!

Embarking on a journey of self discovery or should I say discovering a new dimension to the self… is a journey of many emotions…

Some come un-stuck… when the path of the communication with Source becomes clearer than words… it shifts from the TANGIBLE to the IN-TANGIBLE, from the FINITE to the IN-FINITE… the revealing is a process.

Right now, as I write this post… there is a longing to ALLOW so much information to flow into this post… to just be a channel of “Vibrational Wisdom” a deeper understanding of the very source of creation… of the IN-TANGIBLE meaning of the flow of life… within me and through me.

When I first discovered the vibrational meaning of L.O.V.E or as I now understand, live and radiate it… Law Of Vibrational Expansion… it was a milestone, for the vibration of L.O.V.E led me to a new expanded understanding of the WHY of Love being the centre of creative forces in action. For when LOVE IS… we see life without fault, relationships without fault, people without fault and live is ever expanding. From the new understanding of the vibration of love, came the awareness of how restricted my own understanding and usage of the word love and therefore the vibration of love. with the new perspective came another fantastic opportunity…

To use this new vibration of love… with Gratitude… what a fantastic experience. To each person or thing I felt gratitude towards, I also expressed L.O.V.E the combination, so fantastic… that not only did I say I love you more often… what also began to happen, is that when I said “thank you” or “Gratitude” the vibration of Gratitude expanded out with love and the vibration changed my life… when I say I love you… it meant acknowledging the expansion of love radiating within me… and through me… out into the world I could see… the world I was experiencing.

Amazed, I attracted more affection, attention and love into my own life too! Love came out from the history of my hiding to the present for my acceptance… the more I accepted the more I attracted, awestruck… awe-inspired… love kept presenting me with new opportunities to expand the very concept of the Law Of Vibrational Expansion… till I reached the D.E.E.P meaning of a much debated… vibration of Unconditional Love…

Here’s what I began to understand and now KNOW… the UN-CONDITIONAL L.O.V.E is the vibration of love in which we experience LOVE the way CREATION experiences it… in everything that IS.

When we can LOVE like the UNIVERSE in every CONDITION… When we L.O.V.E in KNOWING that all that is CREATED with equal potential. That our GREATEST purpose is to help ourselves reach that POTENTIAL by expanding our own understanding of OURSELVES. We are CREATED in the image and likeness of the CREATOR and therefore, the CONDITION applies to each CREATION that we experience in our lifetime. That which we can see and that which cannot IS of the same POTENTIAL and must be acknowledged… In that beautiful state… we exist in the vibration of

UNiverse.Conditions.All Law.Of.Vibrational Expansion… thus Unconditional Love

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Gratitude, empowers miracles in our own lives and the lives we radiate to… the energy exchange… so powerful that we cannot help but surrender to the moment with more of the same feeling vibration.

Gratitude, isn’t about the TANGIBLE world we live in, it has it’s roots in the infinity of where life begins… the very vibration of the creator. All available for us to experience… if we ALLOW this invisible and invincible and incredible power to shield our very being… to live out it’s KNOWING through us.

Tragedies, create an opportunity to ALLOW this KNOWING… for our external being mourns… our internal being expresses a deeper Gratitude for being safe. Our external being wants a justification for the WHY of a tragedy, our internal being moves us to ACTION.

Hurt, creates an opportunity to become more aware of our TIPPING POINT. We are more aware of the POINT at which we break down… a clear signal, that it is time to STAND UP again and TRUST in the CREATOR energy within to HEAL and TEACH.

Relationships are the greatest teachers of Gratitude… You always have more to learn about yourself from your relationships, as long as you are learning… the relationship provides you with a deeper sense of Gratitude… for in GIVING energy to it… you are partaking in it’s evolution. The tragedy is, that there comes a time when we stop giving the energy in the WANT for RECEIVING… and that is WHEN a relationship stops evolving and two energies separate. The person or persons don’t change… their ability to GIVE to a relationship takes a BACK BENCH. Have you ever wondered why the older you get, the more you KNOW what you WANT… the more you KNOW what you want … makes it difficult to see the MYSTERIOUS ways in which life is UNFOLDING. We all look for TANGIBLE proof… that STOPS us from living to our POTENTIAL.

Work, is a call to create a new understanding of the HOW of making things happen is easier, when we learn to work together with other energies. In my work life, I learned how important it is to understand what moves people to be passionate about what they do… it’s their own personal DREAM Smile Each one of us, aspires to someday run our own business and the most fertile ground to learn is when you work FOR someone other than yourself. It is a fascinating learning to see how, life’s belief’s convert into vision statements and vision led brands. It is also important to understand, that the CREATOR energy, or to put it in more fascinating terms… the CONCEIVER of the IDEA will always be the one person who can SINGLE handedly… ALLOW the entire VISION to take shape. Which is WHY… it is so important to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for your OWN actions and evolution. Your GROWTH within an ORGANISATION depends solely on YOUR OWN vision of YOURSELF. Each job teaches you something new about yourself… then comes a time… when every piece of the PUZZLE falls into place… and that is when the ENTREPRENEUR is born … and SURVIVES Winking smile

Children are an opportunity to tap into our creator potential… They innovate in accordance to their KNOWING. To watch a CHILD take decisions, you will begin to understand the fascinating TRUTH of POTENTIAL. It doesn’t take words to COMMUNICATE… The energy of a child is so pure… that they let you KNOW what they NEED through expressions so basic… they cry… they smile… they sleep… and yet they manage to tell us EVERYTHING we need to KNOW. A child is an opportunity to LIVE again… use basic emotions… these are ENOUGH… we ARE ENOUGH!! Such a beautiful lesson… from conception to completion… all can be experienced from a child.

Gratitude is the spectacle that gives us a glimpse into the spectacular potential of life… a N.U.D.G.E to return to … re-member and re-vitalise!!

… Now.Understand.Dedicated.Gratitude.Empowers