I dream of a world filled with so much gratitude, that when a problem arrives… and we know it will, we use the power of a Grateful Knowing instead of Hateful Showing. For generations before us, there have been issues and hurt… there has also been a deep awareness of faith!!
We speak of a deep faith, yet, when a problem arrives, we move to a place of judgment and live from the energy it creates within us. That energy is becoming a greater reality and we are of the impression, that these external circumstances are OUTSIDE ourselves!! We don’t even have the slightest inkling of HOW we contribute to CREATING this energy.
Shrink your universe and you’ll know, that often, your THOUGHT, which is in REACTION to your ABSORBING of ENERGY these circumstances create… is the big “YES” you send into the universe to either punish the offenders or defend the oppressed! It is easy to get drawn into the world drama of how “THE END IS NEAR” and the signs we see all tell us it is TRUE!! Yet, the ONLY one who can change it all my dear friend is YOU!!!
I have found it difficult myself to STOP long enough to choose a thought forward, with PRACTICE however, it is possible to find a more grateful stance to a vibration that causes us to be drawn to a more hateful disposition.
It isn’t easy, I must admit, to CLOSE out the BAD and FOCUS on the GOOD alone!! Then again, when you follow your dreams… the negatives are often the force that assists you in Marching FORWARD with more confidence? The power of positive projection, comes from a regular practice of Gratitude. In order for YOU to stay practicing, you invite many challenges that are quite the opposite, instead of looking at them as BLOCKS, recognise them as “PRACTICE SESSIONS”
I remember, last year, when I created Santa Workshop… I had many people who reminded me, that it was a mad effort, some told me it is impossible, could have legal implications. Some saw it as a “MONEY MAKING RACKET” and still others kept projecting it as a CHARITY event. In my heart, I knew, that the INTENT was to spread a little gratitude to those who aren’t often RECOGNISED as vital contributors to our everyday life. I kept THANKING for every little N.U.D.G.E in the direction of completion. I felt ALONE and I cried… I cried to JESUS… knowing that this was a test of my INTENT. I received the KNOWLEDGE that ONLY THOSE with MATCHING INTENT, would find their way to the project. Had the REJECTIONS affected my INTENT, maybe, today, SANTA WORKSHOP would still only be an IDEA!! I KNEW the INTENT was pure and from the purity of intent, the project drew unto itself, Dedicated.Enthusiastic.Empowered.Positive people and results. I knew in my heart… that this is exactly what we had set out to achieve… and it was bettered with GOD’s grace.
I had to think of all the sources that brought me to “DOUBT”, make a CHOICE to let them STRAY or STAY and ASK for DIVINE INTELLIGENCE to guide my next steps. COMMITTING the project to GRATITUDE was all it took to START!! So, practically, GOD gave me an experience, of GRATITUDE in ACTION!!
Gratitude, comes with a plethora of CHALLENGES to CHOOSE from and it is UPTO YOU… to make that CHOICE. The question I’ve often heard in my head in a CHALLENGE is… HOW CAN I BE GRATEFUL FOR THIS? I feel the void the challenge creates and sometimes it can be an abyss!! I recognise that the CHOICE I make will determine the OUTCOME… and so, I retreat into the KNOWINGNESS that GOD HAS ME COVERED… and ASK GOD, for GUIDANCE! Then I THANK with all my heart… for the KNOWING of the PAIN and the EXCITEMENT that GOD is going to respond to me!!! It all happens in GOD’S TIME… and everything is SET IN PLACE for me to CELEBRATE, COMPLETION.
There are also times, when I am super excited about something, I know that I am meant to take a step… yet, my DOUBTS are sometimes far stronger… I spend time in GRATITUDE for the DOUBTS… for GRATITUDE is REVEALING to me through my DOUBT, that I may have LEFT OUT someone or something that I should’ve considered as part of my GRATITUDE!! DOUBTS, are GOD’S way of making us AWARE, that this particular issue/situation has another possible CHOICE, that we haven’t taken into consideration. To WAIT for GUIDANCE and have FAITH that GOD is orchestrating the PERFECT result, for the BEST POSSIBLE OUTCOME!! Last year, when we were finding a home for Santa Workshop, I remember, wanting to finalise a place in Chattarpur, which, till 4 days before, in my mind was the perfect place… yet, when I did go to meet the personnel, I felt out of alignment, out of Gratitude… I remember, walking out of the meeting and knowing for sure… that I didn’t want our Santa Workshop to be in that space… Suddenly… Santa Workshop didn’t have a HOME!! I prayed that night, knowing GOD had a better plan… and I felt the LOVE OF GOD, embrace me… letting me know, that he is leading me… and the next morning, I met Fr. Stanley…. and Santa Workshop had a home… Yusuf Sadan
I feel like the whole world could do with a little Gratitude and this is only possible once we can begin to see how Gratitude is working in our lives… WE really do need to get a little GREEDY for GRATITUDE!!!
Today, all I ask you to do… is to look back at your entire life… and take a note of MOMENTS YOU are GRATEFUL FOR.. and WANT MORE!!!
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