Embarking on a journey of self discovery or should I say discovering a new dimension to the self… is a journey of many emotions…
Some come un-stuck… when the path of the communication with Source becomes clearer than words… it shifts from the TANGIBLE to the IN-TANGIBLE, from the FINITE to the IN-FINITE… the revealing is a process.
Right now, as I write this post… there is a longing to ALLOW so much information to flow into this post… to just be a channel of “Vibrational Wisdom” a deeper understanding of the very source of creation… of the IN-TANGIBLE meaning of the flow of life… within me and through me.
When I first discovered the vibrational meaning of L.O.V.E or as I now understand, live and radiate it… Law Of Vibrational Expansion… it was a milestone, for the vibration of L.O.V.E led me to a new expanded understanding of the WHY of Love being the centre of creative forces in action. For when LOVE IS… we see life without fault, relationships without fault, people without fault and live is ever expanding. From the new understanding of the vibration of love, came the awareness of how restricted my own understanding and usage of the word love and therefore the vibration of love. with the new perspective came another fantastic opportunity…
To use this new vibration of love… with Gratitude… what a fantastic experience. To each person or thing I felt gratitude towards, I also expressed L.O.V.E the combination, so fantastic… that not only did I say I love you more often… what also began to happen, is that when I said “thank you” or “Gratitude” the vibration of Gratitude expanded out with love and the vibration changed my life… when I say I love you… it meant acknowledging the expansion of love radiating within me… and through me… out into the world I could see… the world I was experiencing.
Amazed, I attracted more affection, attention and love into my own life too! Love came out from the history of my hiding to the present for my acceptance… the more I accepted the more I attracted, awestruck… awe-inspired… love kept presenting me with new opportunities to expand the very concept of the Law Of Vibrational Expansion… till I reached the D.E.E.P meaning of a much debated… vibration of Unconditional Love…
Here’s what I began to understand and now KNOW… the UN-CONDITIONAL L.O.V.E is the vibration of love in which we experience LOVE the way CREATION experiences it… in everything that IS.
When we can LOVE like the UNIVERSE in every CONDITION… When we L.O.V.E in KNOWING that all that is CREATED with equal potential. That our GREATEST purpose is to help ourselves reach that POTENTIAL by expanding our own understanding of OURSELVES. We are CREATED in the image and likeness of the CREATOR and therefore, the CONDITION applies to each CREATION that we experience in our lifetime. That which we can see and that which cannot IS of the same POTENTIAL and must be acknowledged… In that beautiful state… we exist in the vibration of
UNiverse.Conditions.All Law.Of.Vibrational Expansion… thus Unconditional Love
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