I learnt how to receive without prejudice and then the follow through to my introduction to I am… came another beautiful channeling of the story of creation… its simplicity is fascinating and I held on to sharing again… I guess for the fear of having to answer some truly human questions, which, I am sure will be divinely guided to do and yet, a SECOND thought later, which I realise is guided by my understanding of my own human limitations to feel so intricately channeling divine energy that I stopped, only long enough to understand that my work here is to SHARE that which I receive for, those who must receive have already been created!
Today, the SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS has decided to free flow from my book to this blog… that the joy of sharing may ALLOW more such experiences into my life… that I may celebrate my uniqueness through this sharing. So, Thank You so much for reading… I would love for you to share your experience of the text with me… For Each of us is created UNIQUE that the CREATOR may BE seen through many PERSPECTIVES!!
10th May 2010
I chose at the time of CREATION to replicate myself. My “Thoughts” continued to manifest and ALL THAT IS began to take FORM. The sign of Creation “Breath”. With each form, a reminder and an “IDENTITY”. At that time, the numbers were few, I took each into confidence for I knew the “THOUGHT” behind the CREATION.
I am every version of the STORY of CREATION. With each STORY, I wanted to PROJECT an AWARENESS OF THE COMMONALITY of ALL THAT IS… And now is the time to DRAW the ATTENTION of ALL THAT IS … to ALL THAT IS!
In the beginning I created all things EQUAL and COMPLIMENTARY. Its like, in the Human life… all BABIES are just that… BABIES. As the Baby continues to evolve, they are given identities, they are given experiences and these identities and experiences shape who they eventually turn out to BE.
Similarly, when creation was set in motion… I chose, at the time of creation, to draw into my experience all that I could be… every thought manifested in a FORM… every thought had a unique identity… each thought brought into my awareness a greater expansion of the CREATOR which was BEAUTIFUL… Now, that I had created EVERYTHING in my own IMAGE and LIKENESS, I also set in motion EXPANSION and PROCREATION.
This process in the human life can be identified with “IDEAS”. There are bountiful IDEAS that come from ONE mind… Each Idea takes its own IDENTITY and is set into motion… once set in motion, it will continue to grow, it WILL take form. An Idea “Given” to you, may take the written form with you, however, if you choose not to “SHARE” the “IDEA” that it “EVOLVE” and find “FORM”, I draw the SAME “idea” to that “I” which will bring it to “form”. For IF an “IDEA” is generated, it “MUST EVOLVE”, it “MUST TAKE FORM” it “MUST BE”.
I am the one who set “ALL THAT IS” in MOTION. I am ADAM, I am EVE, I am TREE OF KNOWLEDGE, I am THE APPLE, I am THE SERPENT… and I am ALL THAT TRANSPIRED between each FORM. I am the “IDEA”, I am the “ACTION” I am the “ALLOWANCE” of ALL THAT IS and this is TRUE.
I continue to EVOLVE though every CREATION, I continue to EXPAND to through every CREATION… I continue to EVOLVE, TO EXPAND to BE!!
In bringing this communication to this platform, DeePositive, has set upon its own special journey… DeePositive Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!
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