I have been telling my DeePositive friends long stories about how, in meditation, I’ve never been able to clearly visualise anything and how I wished I could! Whenever, I shared these OOPS moments in meditation with friends, they’d quite wonderfully tell me that maybe I was on a higher vibration and worked with different energies which is why my experiences were different ;) It is always so blessed to have friends who can make you forget your shortcomings by immediately filling your thoughts with the larger picture :)
One afternoon, I was talking to a friend of mine in Mumbai, Hormaz and we were discussing the chapter ACCEPTING the NOW, which you will read in my book DeePositive Manifesting! While we both spoke of references of the same topic from some really fascinating teachers like Eckhart and Osho. Like strong thought it made its presence felt…
Accepting the NOW is like sketching from your imagination
… as I said this… I had this really strong urge to pick up a sketch book and draw the home I’d seen in my thoughts the day before! I quickly put the phone down to go and buy myself a sketchbook… I’d need that right… before I could get all dressed up to head for the market… another thought parked itself … Look in the drawer!! I opened the drawer to find a brand new sketchbook!! Something special was brewing… I could feel it. Then ofcourse my mind wandered to ALL the details of what I’ll need… pencils, eraser, sharper…. and soon… the FOUNDATION THOUGHT was farthest away… I left the book on the table and continued to write chapter of my book. I was actually afraid… that I would forget the flow of thought… and at another level, I also kept thinking about the fact art wasn’t my forte in the sketch form, much less the ability to SKETCH FROM MY IMAGINATION! So, the chapter got left… the sketchbook got left and I moved to something else ALL TOGETHER… a little RESTLESS and pretty SCATTER BRAINED… TOO MANY THOUGHTS ALSO SPOIL THE BROTH :) The day passed… Thank you.
The following day… as I opened my Notebook to etch my thoughts in the form of a BOOK! The sentence stared straight back at me… ACCEPTING THE NOW IS LIKE SKETCHING FROM YOUR IMAGINATION!! The URGE to sketch came right back… I decided to take a few breaths of GRATITUDE… Close my EYES and see if I could see that house again… I opened the sketch book… put on some meditation music… and let the flow of SOURCE ENERGY flow freely through me to REVEAL the meaning of the sentence. The next 90 minutes… well… all I did was close my eyes… see… open my eyes… move the pencil… it was a spectacular unfolding before my eyes… I didn’t feel attached to what was being drawn… I was totally absorbed by the picture in my head… each time I would close my eyes… it would reveal a part of the structure… including the lines… the lightness, the darkness the dimensions. The home in my imagination revealed itself in perfect splendour on the white sheet.
In gratitude and amazement as I continued to THANK and ADMIRE and ACKNOWLEDGE the moment… I received another very powerful communication.
Accepting the NOW is like sketching from your imagination. It is the foundation from which you begin to understand the power of the mind over the reality you experience. The THOUGHT is the INTENT, which the free flow of the INSTRUMENT (YOU) allow the flow of divine energy to manifest on the canvas of life. Once the BLUEPRINT (CONNECT between the DIVINE ENERGY AND INSTRUMENT) is CREATED. It is set into motion to MANIFEST into your REALITY. YOU have the FREE WILL to create the BLUEPRINT , for the BLUEPRINT is the ONLY confirmation the UNIVERSE needs to BEGIN the process of CREATING. You can chose to do this in the form of ART, WRITING, PICTURES or SHARING the VISION. The BLUEPRINT is an AFFIRMATION of ALLOWING without DOUBT.
DeePositive in Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!