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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Why do we set Goals!!

Making sense out of thoughts is quite a journey in itself and the product of it all is the life we manifest.
When a book calls out to you, never postpone picking it up, it is often a calling to invite new wisdom into your life. There are phrases and words that impact the very pattern of thought and life changes, it is in being aware of these triggers that creates greater manifestations all around
When a conversation is heading the same direction of your dreams, stop your inner thoughts and LISTEN carefully, there is a reason why this conversation is taking place. Learn to SWITCH OFF, sometimes and let things happen, there is a reason for that too.
When watching a movie, REMEMBER that it isn’t by chance that you’re watching, there is something special, that you need to draw from it. This is specially in the case when the questions you are asking internally are questions about WHAT NEXT? WHY THIS? WHY ME? WHY NOW?
When walking on the road, keep a track of everyone and everything that draws your attention, there is something you asked, the answer will keep repeating itself through the many signs, its the treasure hunt of the journey called LIFE. There are clues all around us... to follow or ignore, is the choice we make.
Here is the phrase from “Awaken the Giant Within” by Anthony Robbins that brought me to this awareness... it keeps repeating itself in my head and demands it be shared, so here it is:
“Achieving goals by themselves will not make us happy in the long term, it’s who you become, as you overcome the obstacles necessary to achieve your goals, that can give you the deepest and most long lasting sense of fulfillment “
The brilliant part is the spectrum these few sentences provide in our lives, the content is a TRIGGER to manifest the deeper lesson to be learnt. When creating a new life for myself, my thoughts have been all over the place, more often than not, these places have been very distracting, I started to wonder why everything seemed to be completely opposite to what I had asked for or what I thought it SHOULD be like. The answer came in flash!!! To truly be aware of victory, you will someday need to talk about how you got there, in that story, what you will remember the times when your faith and belief took charge and moved you to doing things that changed the very course of your life.
Have you ever read a story that has absorbed your imagination for long after you’ve finished the book!  A certain thought, a certain visual, a certain memory that aligns itself to your direction and flashes with every new action. It would  be amazing, to just keep an eye out for the links to your thoughts in the things you do, the people you meet, the situations you get yourself into... a new awareness opens its arms to let you in on the little secrets of life.
If you’re on a journey of positive manifesting, you will start to notice the joy of following every instinct. If you’ve decided that life isn’t going to get any happier, surprise surprise you are right... you will be granted more choices to confirm that too!
If you are someone who is reading this and wondering WHY you are here...  or what relevance does this particular set of thoughts going to have in your life, gear up... you’ll soon find out. Maybe not today, just when you are ready and know there was a TRIGGER hidden somewhere between the alphabets, meant specially for you. When you look at every situation from a perspective of CHOICE you are more empowered to take a decision and an action that can truly change your life.
The next time you read, what you remember of the text will be the lesson you need to make the next big leap in life.
Still confused about the content... comment your thoughts, and the direction will unfold.
Have a DeePositive Day

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