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Saturday, March 6, 2010

The power of gratitude

I spent last week wondering what I was grateful for!!!

I've spent the last 10 years being grateful for the visible manifestations of my life: Money Power, Brilliant Network, I've always got what I wanted and for all the times I haven't, well, I have a brilliant reason for why NOT. I have a wonderful life of contentment, prayers are always answered, people love me, I love me ... I could go on and on and on.

Where was the gap between the love I craved for and the love I received? Why is it that I still feel I am not grateful enough? Why am I not as happy as someone else? Why don't I see the million miracles sooner than too late? What is the feeling that gratitude brings you? Why don't I feel totally exhilarated and excited?

And then, I took out a book I had picked up a year back, that kept staring at me from my bookshelf and decided to give it a shot!! "The Simple Abundance Journal of Gratitude" by Sarah Ban Breathnach. The book opens with with 150 Often overlooked blessings... some of which are so simple that we often don't count them in the things to be grateful for...

So inspired by the list, I decided to take a pen and paper and start my own list and get really basic about it... It took 10 pages of single sentences for the true meaning of gratitude to start dawning... I wish I could explain the feeling I now have when I use the word gratitude. When I spend time on things I am grateful for now, I am aware of the source, the trigger.

I am now thankful for the very source of my pain for they were born of my yearning to learn more of how to be grateful. The pain serves as the reminder that pain did exist, the relationship with the pain changes when the perspective is cleared with gratitude.

When you feel true gratitude, it is liberating to the point of question :D When a bad situation comes up... and it does, the belief that there is something good that must come out of it is the prayer of gratitude that comes forth, directly from the heart.

I am now thankful for every thought, for I am blessed with the ability to choose what I most want to believe. I am now thankful for even being able to be angry when I feel the need to, I know that from the angry conversation and the gratitude for the ability to be aware that I am angry. I am thankful for the times I've been in two minds and the answer has come to me through a conversation or call least expected, I see the presence of God in the awareness and am so grateful for each moment.

Here's a small step that could get you started on your own special gratitude journey:
0) Before you put pen to paper or rather you put your thoughts in the line of action, chant the DeePositive Mantra.

I am Dedicated to living the best life I can, I am empowered to change any and all situations that limit my growth. I am enthusiastic about making this change...I am positively effecting this change right now. I am DeePositive!!

1) Take a long hard look at all the memories that have hurt you. Try going back to as far as you can remember. Memories of hurt last a lifetime, don't they, its easy to recall these thoughts, even easier to remember the pain and loss associated with it.
2) Now that you've written them down, make a list of all the repercussions of that memory, the things you did. The thoughts you had. The decisions you took. The path you followed.
3) Now connect them to your life today... what is it that you differently today from the learning of the past.

My journey has just begun, there is so much I still need to acknowledge and truly be grateful for. As each day is gifted to me I wake up to search for life's miracles.

Here's wishing you, your own special journey of gratitude, may the DeePositive force be with you always.

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