I am Dedicated to living the best life I can, I am empowered to change any and all situations that limit my growth. I am enthusiastic about making this change...I am positively effecting this change right now. I am DeePositive!! Smile... you have just received a power healing... Stay DeePositive!!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Why do we set Goals!!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
An Introduction
I Am Dedicated To Living The Best Life I Can, I Am Empowered To Change Any And All Situations That Limit My Growth. I Am Enthusiastic About Making This Change...I Am Positively Effecting This Change Right Now. I Am Deepositive!! Smile... You Have Just Received A Power Healing... Stay Deepositive!
The next prompt I received was to create a twitter account to continually share these thoughts, all original YES. All divinely guided, YES. Each day a new prompt and a new action took me a step further in the direction I am following right now.
The days that followed brought together by rather co incidental conversations about the power of new perspectives, a few movies, personal conversations and a chance to breath free at a holiday in Goa. I knew the power of DeePositive was too strong to ignore or let go... I just had to take the most difficult first step... DEDICATE myself to this concept and take the journey ONE action at a time.
The confirmation also came from an unlikely source, a friend I met on the bus journey to Goa. Helen Shore, an inspiration by chance and a special sentence she used so often that I was sold to it. If it didn't happen, well, it was not meant to be" brilliant way to truly accept the present moment.
In January, the decision was made... I knew that miracles would follow, the finances would manifest and the journey that had begun with a thought, was becoming a thing.
DeePositive on twitter gave me the support I needed to continue the work I had begun, I started to feel the awesome power of the journey. We got retweeted by Paulo Coelho, the most guided writer I've read. An affirmative that I must follow through.
Said Goodbye to life like I knew it and moved back to Delhi from Mumbai... Enthusiastic Empowered and Positive that I have found what I want to do for the rest of my life.
I've been meeting so many people in the last month, the spectrum is revealing itself to. I just believe that there is more to come from where we are right now. The profile of DeePositive is expanding, we're now being invited to create employee empowerment programmes within organisations and its a wonderful an fulfilling experience to be a part of so many lives in a special way.
Will keep each of you updated on the blog on the latest happenings in our DeePositive world.
DeePositively yours