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Monday, June 17, 2013

Awestruck Tourist: “Blessings in Disguise”

There is a new lesson at work… “Blessings in Disguise”… it is like there is part of me, that is connecting to a higher vibration of BeIng! We hear often, that everything that happens, well, is a “blessing in disguise” and so, my lesson over the last few months has been “learning to unlearn” the literal meaning, or the “hue-man” meaning and draw a more “infinite invisible” and “In-Finite In-Visible”

Cleansing is an “unlearning” process, that is guided by the force withIN YOU. In this process, you learn about beliefs or vibrations of collective thought, that are BE-COMING into things and and all these things are BE-Cause you have called upon them to BE-Come into your life. By the co_creator potential within YOU! It is time to draw your “awareness” to your “asking” and when you KNOW what you are asking, that is when you will BE-ABLE to Ac-knowledge or ACCUMULATE-KNOWLEDGE that it is already “present”, for most times, our “EXPECTATIONS” or our HOW it should arrive (human perception) blocks our ABILITY to “accumulate knowledge” of the receiving and so we “miss” out on “ACCEPTING”.

If God, is “infinite invisible”, therefore, our looking for “finite visible” answers is a MISNOMER, for when the infinite invisible provides, it is a feeling that is transmitted to the “finite visible” through the “in-finite in-visible”, when acknowledged and accepted, begins to take “finite visible” form, that which we call manifestation or a miracle. Yet, the atonement (Origin:
1505–15; from phrase at one in harmony +
-ment, as translation of Medieval Latin adūnāmentum; compareMiddle English onement unity)  A-TONE-MEANT is when the “infinite invisible” vibration of a thought is transferred from the “finite visible” through the “in-finite in-visible” and the “infinite invisible” vibration of completion is released.

So, really, when we ASK, we go through the “in-finite in-visible” our first responses are received through the same source, the “in-finite in-visible”, so, before we see the manifest in the form that is accepted “that the eyes can see, the nose can smell, the hands can touch and the tongue can taste and the ears can hear”… we are given “in-tuition” “in-tent” “in-formation” “in-sight” “in-turnALL know, that it IS ready, “perfect, whole, complete” in the “infinite invisible”, waiting for you to acknowledge the vibration in “in-finite in-visible”, that you may then “radiate and celebrate” it in its “physical form” or “finite visible” form, through you! The PHYSICAL OUTCOME is YOUR INDIVIDUAL perspective, that is “HOW YOU SEE IT” and not necessarily “HOW IT IS” or “WHO IT IS”, the final outcome is another way or as it is beautifully expressed in the following quote:

“Ours is not a better way, it is merely another way” : Relationship with God: an Uncommon Dialogue By Neale Donald Walsch page 153

“Blessings in Disguise” or “Blessings in “this-guise”, is the ability to take that “A-Tone-Meant” to assist you to first grasp the “In-Finite In-Visible” vibration of the “infinite invisible” perspective and to Re:Main, Re-Member, Re-Allign your “finite visible” “receiving”!

A blessing in disguise, is a gift of the IN-Tent, IN-tuition, In-formation, In-form-action that you have been given in response to your asking. Re-Cognize their “sign-If-can-see” or significance.

Un-Learn to In-learn and re-turn to Innocence (I-know-sense)… here’s wishing you Gratitude filled In-Sights of “Blessings in Disguise”

Saturday, April 20, 2013

“The simple joy of receiving and unwrapping a gift - something that us privileged people take for granted”: Souradipta Chandra

deepositive2I remember receiving a call from Dr. Souradipta Chandra, he introduced himself as Dr. Shaurya and he asked, if he could stop by at the workshop, to drop off some goodies. A couple of days later, we met, at the workshop and the next couple of hours were filled with conversations about life over coffee and wrapping of the tokens of Gratitude. I remember it most because of the fact that they, both Shaurya and Romik, felt like family, like we’d all known each other forever and that day!

It is amazing, when, people come together and share of themselves so generously, making time from busy schedules to come on over and pack surprises!!

Here’s what he wrote to us!

While browsing through the newspaper on a particularly grouchy day before Christmas, I came across a random article on DeePositive, and the unusual yet amazing way by which Deepanjali and gang were spreading Christmas cheer around the city.

Intrigued, I decided to make my own little contribution and dragged my friend Romik to the address mentioned in the article, armed with random boxes of stuff that I purchased - including chocolates, wafers, biscuits, cakes etc.

We reached Santa's workshop just before 9 in the evening, it was probably 3-4 days before Christmas. It was pretty darn cold, as per usual (Delhi Decembers are famous for that).


So it was a welcome surprise to be enveloped in an unusual feeling of warmth as Romik and me gingerly strolled into the workshop. I realized why.

Cuz within seconds,we were welcomed by Deepanjali and her crew of elves, busy arranging, wrapping and packing random gifts with an infectious cackle here and a banter there, and it was possibly the spirit of the workshop that was the reason behind the warmth. It felt like home.

We were initially there to just donate our gifts and leave, but the charged atmosphere of that place was rather addictive, and difficult to resist.

We stayed back and wrapped and arranged gifts, meant for an alarmingly large fraction of the people of this city who might have never had the chance to unwrap a gift so far.

It was beyond amazing, and we were both humbled and elated after our time spent at the workshop.



Hands down, it was the best money I had spent in 2012. Worth every penny.

Each blessing counts, and I'm sure the occasional smile lighting up each and every one of those faces that had received a gift last Christmas contributed to my 2013 starting off on a happy note - and touchwood, it's been an incredible year so far!

I'm glad I could be a part of the Christmas cheer Deepanjali and DeePositive created - it helped me give back a minute fraction of what I've been blessed with so far. In return I got back a lot more than I could have ever imagined - well, peace of mind for starters, and a fancy trip to New York a few weeks ago as well ;)

I'm definitely looking forward to be a part of this year's workshop - and I'm sure Deepanjali's team will make sure that more than a hundred thousand people in the  city experience the simple joy of receiving and unwrapping a gift - something that us privileged people take for granted. 

Thanks DeePositive :) Keep on bringing out those smiles - they're thoroughly infectious! : Souradipta Chandra

Santa Hugs of Gratitude to you for being a part of our lives and a part of the workshop: Team DeePositive

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Intern to Entrepreneur Programme: The Internship

What holds the programme apart  from all internships is the path of the internship. There is a purpose for everything you’ll be doing. The idea of creating a detailed internship programme is to enable growth of an idea.

Ideas are all beautiful and wonderful, till they are tailor cut according to the personality of the person representing it. Some of the best ideas have to wait a little longer to match, it’s like being engaged to an idea that you marry once all the formalities of getting to know each other are complete. It’s a phenomenal journey, once you begin!

In the first 6 months of the internship each intern will be working on DeePositive Foundation initiatives and DeePositive Intertainment events.

Once part of the programme an Intern will be referred to as a DeePositive Entrepreneur, so as to build a brand centric personal reminder that you're an intern with a purpose and you are a part of the programme to grow into an entrepreneur.

While doing so, the intern will be empowered to create powerful ideas that help build the initiatives into mass movements with focus on how to use limited resources to build an idea into a reality. In the process, practical lessons in creating strategies, media push and using communication tools like blogs, Facebook and twitter to build campaigns. Planning the marketing, media and event will be part of the exercise of learning through the first 6 months. In these 6 months, there will also be weekly reviews and group discussions building your own business idea into a definitive shape. This process is even more powerful, when you are surrounded with the other interns. Working out your own idea in co-dependence with the rest of the interns to create a connected network of empowered enthusiastic growth

From the 6th -9th month of your internship, you will be given a team, a team of fresh interns to work with and train, this helps in understanding that the role of an entrepreneur is a leadership role and co-depends on your interaction and communication with your team. This is vital, since it is always a team that brings success to any project. It is also essential to learn to delegate from personal power to grow. It will be in this period that you will handle your first experiment with your business idea at a smaller scale, the platform available for you is DeePositive G.I.V.E and the concept will be co-tagged with "A _____________ concept"

From the 9th - 11th Month is when you're idea comes closer to reality, working on your own company, logo, communication, market strategy and detailing the first 3 years of your life as an entrepreneur. This is when you're now at the level of personal expansion. However, the most important learning of the phase will be a three level responsibility training, prioritizing, scaling up and being a master of many growth modules without being slave to any. Balance is the main criteria in managing your own company. As the brand custodian and ambassador, you are the NAME, FACE and PERSONALITY of your brand.

The 12th Month, is when we begin all the processes of registering your company, opening accounts, getting you ready for the greatest adventure of your life. This is the hardest month on the heart, you're setting yourself up for your first "Founder" experience. You will be working full time on the launch of your brand in the market! What a proud moment for the programme and for you.

13th Month, at the Festival of Gratitude, we will have a ceremony of acknowledging your milestones as a DeePositive Entrepreneur and then introduce you and your brand to the press and public.

This is the moment you're waiting for and so are we!! YOU are the success of this programme. YOU are the reason why we are initiating a platform like "Intern to Entrepreneur Programme".

The most beautiful part is that YOU will not be alone in this moment, with you, are 9 brand new identities, beginning a whole new life experience with YOU.

You have your first 10 clients when you launch and yes, you will be invited to regularly mentor our next in line entrepreneurs.

Here's wishing have the confidence to apply for a real opportunity to be all you can be!! You can  download the form here

If you have any queries please feel free to write to us at

Monday, April 1, 2013

Intern To Entrepreneur: The Application Form

“The best way to keep learning is to Teach: Deepanjali”

Today is the day, we’ve been waiting for and we so hope you’ve been waiting too!! The day, we release the APPLICATIONS for the Intern to Entrepreneur programme.

The whole idea of setting out an application form is to ensure that YOU are free to express your “intent” to be a part of the programme. It is also an affirmative, that, you have enough confidence in your idea to take the first step towards making it a reality!

As we score another new dimension of Gratitude at DeePositive Foundation, we are delighted to invite you to apply for our latest adventure with Gratitude.

In our DeePositive journey we have come to celebrate the art of Giving with Gratitude through our projects. We now truly understand that we must G.I.V.E. more to Grow Together. In order to expand giving with Gratitude we now invite you to sample our latest initiative in creating a more Dedicated, Enthusiastic, Empowered, Positive life experience for yourself and for those who immediately come to your mind when you read this.

With the “Intern to Entrepreneur Programme”, a DeePositive Foundation initiative with the intent to empower entrepreneurs in thought to entrepreneurs for real.

We are DeePositive Foundation, completing a year and 4 months this March. We are crazy people wanting to create Gratitude filled experiences that have a profound and life changing and Gratitude filled “moment in time” when all the ideals you have ever heard of feel real. We began our journey in November 2011 and since have successfully created and grown into a foundation that triumphs in Gratitude and with Gratitude. We have successfully unleashed Gratitude with our initiatives Santa Workshop: Tokens of Gratitude (2011 & 2012), Santa Workshop: Tokens of Light (Diwali 2012). We launched GIVE last year, which to us is an experimental platform to pilot many of the Gratitude filled ideas GIVE (valentines, dancing, social gaming) and as we see it GIVE (Gratitude Inspired Vision Exchange) will continue to be an experimental platform for many ideas that come our way. We are also a part of empowering initiatives by other foundations, to us these opportunities are special since we get to associate with others and spread more Gratitude: Thank you ROPIO Foundatoin / NEN and Hatch for Startups for allowing us to walk into your brands and spread Gratitude.

We also, have another business of creating events for clients, weddings, employee events, conferences with DeePositive Intertainment.

The Intern to Entrepreneur Programme

It is our biggest GIVE back to the business eco-system as we create experiences that encourage people to take their first dream plunge as entrepreneurs. Our thrill is to watch people grow from Risk to Outcome. It is time now to allow ideas. To grow into innovations and individuals to grow into entrepreneurs. We are excited about meeting ideas and developing them into brands.

In a nutshell, A first for the Indian Entrepreneurs. An initiative that invites individuals to intern and the big prize of the internship period is launching the intern as an entrepreneur with their own entrepreneurial identity in a private limited company.

Is it too good to be true idea? Yes! It is. It is our DeePositive knowing that every individual is a life entrepreneur doing what they need to do to stray afloat and growing. So all we are doing is calling out to the Entrepreneur you already are to breathe a new vision which is Dedicated, Enthusiastic, Empowered, Positive self growth from where you are to where you have always known you would like to be.

What is the real challenge here?

The challenge is taking the first step to live your dream like I did in December 2009. I took a decision to be DeePositive and now 2.5 years later I am brand visionary with two beautiful brands DeePositive Intertainment and DeePositive Foundation. The experience of truly trusting myself to BE all I can be. I went from 10 years of learning to practicing what I learnt for 3 years. Now I am ready to pass it on and invite you to do all of what I did in 13 years within 12 months and that too with a promise.

The Promise : The Outcome

I promise you that I will allow you the advantages, all of the ones, I am blessed to provide you with through my experiences to assist you. Including my promise to invest 51,000 in your new venture as a token of Gratitude, for taking up the challenge of entrepreneurship.

The Outcome

Why should you even bother to apply?

Entrepreneurship isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, however if you look closely, every human being without exception has a dream to be financially free to live in abundance. We all want a life in which we have enough and more, where we are debt free and will be able to provide both time and money to our family. This is all possible when you are able to create a lifestyle that allows you the pleasure of multiple sources of income. These means of revenue trickle in and grow and if you are happy enough they will represent all the abundance you have ever dreamt of.

This is not possible really if all you are doing is getting a salary that doesn’t allow you the flexibility to dream Big or the freedom to work flexi hours and make your own rules. As an entrepreneur the beauty lies in owning your time and being charged enough to earn in your time too.

You must apply to really KNOW if you have it in you to take the Risk to living the rest of your life on your own terms.

You must apply if you feel you have it in you to Win with honesty and grow your idea into an institution.

You must apply if you would really like to take a 12 month sabbatical to test your idea and write a new future for yourself.

You must apply because you know that you are so meant to live a beautiful life on your own terms.

You must apply if you Think you can develop your brilliant idea into a phenomenal business surrounded by people who need your inputs just as much as you need theirs.

You must apply if you are convinced that it is more fun to intern and learn to be an entrepreneur that in it to intern to simple get a higher percentage salary.

If you are someone who strongly believes that we can revive the job market by creating more people centric business ideas that assist in creating a powerful and co-dependant and growing business ecosystem in which we thrive by Choice.

You must apply if this information has sparked an idea that demands to grow into a Fire Brand life changer.

You must apply if you have tot an idea that doesn’t allow you to sleep and it would be an adventure to grow the idea.

You must apply if you have ever demanded of phenomenal returns you Risk 5000 to apply and you receive 51000 at the end of the year. Could there be better returns?

You must apply if you have ever had a thought about owning your own brand and more than that if you have confidence in your ability to live, breath and be your own brand.

You must apply if you have ever wished that the world could co-depend seamlessly if everyone worked from personal power.

You can view and print the application form from here

If you don’t think you can make a difference on your own with a little support, well Don’t Apply. Get yourself a job and work hard to deserve a 20% raise every year. Maybe that is the future you’ve chosen for yourself. We are definitely looking for interns with a personal purpose!!

If you are one of them… this is where you begin… “fill in the application"

Friday, March 29, 2013

An invitation to be an Entrepreneur…

The “intern to entrepreneur programme” is a platform to get you to truly “think” an idea through before you introduce yourself and your brand identity. We are of the firm belief, that within each individual there is an entrepreneur waiting to exhale.

We are looking for interns committed to their idea or an idea and want to grow it into a platform for themselves and co-depend by allowing fellow entrepreneurs the opportunity to co-inspire with them to create a co-dependent work environment that accelerates growth.

As an event manager, this is exactly what we do, associate with other businesses to deliver the final product to our clients. The art is in finding the right mix of associates and delivering the best possible concept to a client. The world knows it as an event, yet at the heart of the event is the core expertise of many different businesses co-opting to create.

The art of being an entrepreneur isn’t in the quick money and the scaling up of a brand to show profits. The art, is in creating a mindset of delivering an outcome and doing everything that needs to get done, to make that happen.

The programme is your experiential ground to build an idea into a company and not build a company to create an idea. If you are of the thought that this is a platform to exploit your potential, then you’ve got it right. You must KNOW most importantly, that you DO want to own your own business and yes, you must want to grow into the powerful co-creator of abundant resources for yourself and others too.

An entrepreneur, is the one with the idea in detail, the final outcome lies in the vision of the entrepreneur and therefore, the vision is the playground and the motivation to take the risk.

I can promise you, from my own experience with being an Entrepreneur, the vision of the brand is the driving force and the path breaker or creator. The idea is king and the king decides the rules.

We took the core values of Dedicated.Enthusiastic.Empowered.Positive and began a journey in 2010 and today, the energy of these 4 words resonate in a brand called DeePositive. We take ONE STEP at a time, slow growth, is sure growth and the most phenomenal growth as we have come to understand, is when people grow with us.

An Entrepreneurial journey that is inclusive has a greater reach than one built on revenues alone.The fact is that there is enough business in the market and it is easy to take a piece of the cake and wish yourself “happy birthday”. The part that makes you different is attending all the parties and baking your own cake!

And the programme, well, is the baking class you must want to attend, if the only thought on your mind at the Entrepreneur party is “I’d like to bake too”

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Gratitude is trending… and it’s a SIGN of the times to come ;)

When we began our journey as DeePositive Foundation in 2011, we had utmost faith in the intuit that Gratitude is the core ingredient of change!! Today, 2 years, 2 months and a couple of weeks later… we see how Gratitude is rippling into many areas of our lives, its only the beginning.

Miracles are happening everyday, reminding us that we’ve done well to follow our instinct and go with Gratitude and Grow with Gratitude. In a circumstantial world, Gratitude has made a co-inspired beginning… in rare moments of appreciation spreading across politics, people and priorities. Appreciation is finding its space and as we continue to invite ourselves to the powerful intent of gratitude inspired growth, there are people and places finding us and assisting us. There are small steps being taken, to expand our scope of work and show us the hurting areas, where, we can bring in the beginning of change with Gratitude.

At DeePositive, we’re thrilled to have been a catalyst in the many lives we interact with and create positive thoughts forward… it is encouraging to see the Government and Governance around the world, change their stance… Gratitude is now entering many lives and creating positive changes. Even though the steps are tiny and we’re only toddling, we know that the universe is guiding us towards a deeper more practical life changing experiences with Gratitude as the core foundational need.

We’re asking ourselves, just as much as asking you, how we can be messengers of a Global Gratitude Movement, with the intent and purpose to assist the world to sample gratitude as a way of life and an abundant source of miracles. with 4 brand new projects created with Gratitude for the joy of expanding the reach of gratitude to a larger community of people, we’re renewing our thrill, through many different experiences all intended as always to trigger a ripple of gratitude and appreciation, the key to creating an India for India.

It is exciting, when the Government is moving to a co-inspired growth plan, inclusive, this is a sign of the changing times. The Pope, resigning in the best interest of the Catholic Church, is a deeper return to “what is best for the whole” not “what is best for me”. The fact that Devang of the BJP agrees with Sachin from the Congress on the need to put aside personal and party differences and do what needs to get done to improve India… made me feel so connected, so grateful. Even if these are just TINY signs, the truth is, we can choose to recognise these tiny signs, celebrate them, make them examples and get into the zone, where the Press/Media too find it exciting to AMPLIFY such rare moments, when two people, agree, beyond party differences and positions. People MUST be acknowledged and appreciated for ONE GOOD THING… to begin a phenomenal chain of GOOD THINGS to APPRECIATE!

Its even more exciting, when we get messages of victory through Gratitude from our friends an associates, so many people having life changing experiences and attributing them to Gratitude is amazing and encouraging. The “idea” that once was discounted for simply being too “ideal” to be true is now, growing into a party of miracles and happy manifesting moments of absolute thrill… gratitude has given so many a brand new perspective with awesome results. It is growing now from being local to us and growing global!! Well, I’ll need a book, if I have to share all the stories with you. 

We’re in for exciting times in an ever changing world, even though it is true, that we live in a hurting world, a world struck by pain, grief and loss of humanity. Here is what we must acknowledge, each incident is moving us to make new choices and most importantly, it is moving us to be more aware of our need to belong to a safer world. I am still not sure, how we can achieve any of this without proudly standing by each other and raising the need for personal clarity of being first. However, it is significant, that we all are coming together in thought. All of us want a safer world, now that we do, as a people, we’ll opt for choices that make us feel safer and when we share this with each other, we’ll begin a brand new process of learning to stand together in Gratitude and find simple ways to impact our intent with action. Protests can be made an opportunity to come together to create a greater awareness of the power of positive coming together, almost like meeting up in really large numbers to celebrate personal victory of being alive.

CATCH PEOPLE DOING THINGS RIGHT and we can begin a revolutionary movement of Gratitude for Growth… Join with us, Partner us, Create with us, Share with us… How you would like to be a part of our projects … lets make “Gratitude a Festival of Life”… of living from it and creating all we ever desired with it!!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Santa Workshop: My Story… By Ruma Bhingardive

Am sharing a an article, written by Ruma on Santa Workshop. Gave me Goosebumps when I read it. It is always wonderful to say wonderful things about projects that we create, we do create them with a lot of love. And then there comes a time, like this one, when someone shares their experience of it… and you’re moved to a place of silent and utter gratitude, that you’ve rippled your thoughts so perfectly and now they radiate back to you, through the eyes and heart of those who have experienced and experimented with the intent. Thank you Ruma…. Hugs of Gratitude!!!

Smile!!! Its infectious/contagious!!!-Gratitude!!!!Its infectious/contagious too!!!

A gal meets boy and there is love, old Story. A gal meets boy and there is gratitude, hmmm that’s a new story. Let us ponder more on the new story then (wink).

This is how I recollect my brushing shoulders with DeePositive Foundation for the first time. The journey till date has been the most enthralling; adventurous and satisfying one and I strongly believe that in years to come the world will see the real power of “GRATITUDE”.

I would love to share few of the amazing experiences with you all. Ashok Singh was the first person to introduce me to DeePositive Foundation and to mention their belief in Gratitude, Love, Faith, Sharing / Give. I still remember getting goose bumps while listening about “Santa Workshop” and thinking how I too can become a part of it (as I was in Mumbai and it was going to happen in Delhi). Starting to feel the excitement and the adrenaline rush through my veins, I decided instantly that this is my chance to do what I have been wishing to do from so long but without any platform, guidance, like minded people, common goal, I had found it always difficult to put in deeds what I had in heart and mind.

DeePositive Foundation through Santa Workshop just happened one fine day like God knocking on door and blessing me with the opportunity to spread the good news and gratitude starting from friends, family and spreading to strangers. I often used to hear that it is a small world, post 2 Santa Workshop’s I have started believing in the same. I was able to spread the word with my family, friends, neighbours, FB, acquaintances, colleagues and like a jungle fire it just spread wildly across cities and countries. The ripple effect was better that I imagined.

In my view and understanding Santa Workshop is a spectacular way of saying Thank You! Your smile means a lot!

Santa Workshop as a whole enwraps the following amazing virtues.

It is magnetic- Yes it is like a magnet. It attracts everyone instantly with the idea of distributing gifts. Everyone gets to become a Santa giving away beautifully wrapped useful gifts as small tokens of gratitude. The gifts are wrapped amongst fun and frolic by tiny or big hands and distributed on roads, signals, markets, to wish thanks to strangers, people whose efforts go unnoticed in the society. The passers-by, street urchins and many burst in smiles on receiving the cute tokens.

It is Secular-anyone can be a part of it no matter which caste, creed, nationality, religion you belong to. You are all the same in the Santa Workshop family.

It is for all ages-the Santa workshop pictures say it all, have a look and you shall find that children aged from 2-3 years to grannies and grandpas are the active members and share the same level of enthusiasm during wrapping and distribution.

It is thanksgiving-whatever gifts and blessings we have received throughout the year in our life we try to give thanks to god by gifting some to people who need them and moreover it is not charity it is sharing.

It is support sharing-we share thoughts, ideas, vision, smiles, laughs, food, peace and gifts.

It is love sharing-we share the love of god and love towards humans and humanity in a unique way.

It is giving selflessly –we give out a share from our salary our savings our time to make someone else happy and expecting nothing in return.

It is for smile sharing- we always smile while we wrap, while we distribute and those who receive smile back at us.

It is peace giving-I found peace is associating virtually with DeePositive and Santa Workshop. I was not there physically but emotionally, mentally I was present their everyday since it started, am sure my friends from Mumbai and all over who helped have received inner peace too.

It is for all-no matter if you are rich or poor-you can join in and reap the benefits -the forum is truly by the people, for the people and of the people.

It is forever-it is a perpetual chain reaction. We know we are blessed and we share our blessings in form of gifts with known and unknown people. The proof is that it was Dee’s dream and idea with germinated and branched with Ashok, Prema and since then has multiplied and grown in geometrical progression (proving many wrong and disbeliefs too rest). No offence to the mud slingers.LOL.

It is universal-Many people have come together breaking boundaries of cities, states, countries to join hands for Santa Workshop. It is a global phenomenon in a few weeks.

It the most amazing working model that I have ever seen where input is gratitude and output is multifold gratitude. It doesn’t just work with men (volunteers), money (sponsorship), material (gifts), market (place where distribution happens) it works on faith , belief, emotions, trust, love and gratitude as well.

For me assisting with Santa Workshop and DeePositive foundation has been like being in B School. In B school you come together, you learn to envison, you learn to plan strategically, you work on projects, you learn leadership, you learn to become a team player, you learn decision making, you take lead, you decide, you execute and ultimately you succeed. We all know that the B –Schools are the place where we network and we know that this network will always be with us even after we graduate and no matter where in world we stay. Similarly at Santa Workshop we get to network with peers, juniors, seniors from various industries and walks of life. There is cut throat competition in gift wrapping and distribution as who gets to wrap more and who gets to distribute more and one gets amazed at how the funds get influxed (funds don’t come from the people whom you expected from , it comes from people whom you never expected from).

So creating a whole dynamic of social centric values Santa Workshop thrives on love towards fellow human beings and gratitude towards god and people.

Since I have joined hands with the Santa Workshop team and the movement in whole I network with smiling faces all round the year and as we all know 75000 gifts became 225000 this year which shows tremendous potential and a spark of global awakening.

The web world doesn’t know the boundaries of countries anymore. Santa Workshop success is spread through word of mouth and FB mostly and with the growing alliances with the movement. The more gratitude I get the more I share; it is a never ending process as it is not related to a person, a thing or a single organization. It incepts in a single heart, runs on face with a smile, it has been found to be really contagious as it flows from one hand to another and one heart to another.

There is no stopping of this free flowing river till gratitude is alive.

So Live with Gratitude and Give with Gratitude.


Social Gaming Sunday!!

As part of our concept G.I.V.E (Gratitude.Inspired.Vision.Exchange) we’ve collaborated with a brand called “Frame Gaming” to introduce, “Social Gaming Sunday”. Our pilot took place last evening and I must admit, I loved it!!! It takes a lot of spunk to walk into a world where games are played at many levels to assist non gamers to see how gaming can and has changed lives without having to plot Winking smile


The concept revolves around connecting with the child within, so competitive, I realised it when all I wanted to do was WIN a game!! It is interesting, that the adult mind, goes to sleep and a child is born, chatting a little, playing a lot, just hanging out. When we met the Team from  Frame Gaming two  weeks ago, we were truly drawn to their outlook on gaming. Professional gamers who are passionate, exciting gang of gamers, who have grown in their passion to make a business out of it. When we discussed gaming, I felt that it would be a super gift of Gratitude to take it out for a spin so, we recommended “social gaming weekends” as a foray into gaming bringing people together onground and introducing the really people behind the gamer profiles on social networks and internet in general.


The venue, Café Ground Zero, not the kind of place I would’ve found without directions and yet, a place where I would hang out with friends. The little underground space, filled with people hanging out over sheesha and mocktails and 4 gaming consoles. The space, beautiful with bean bags and apt seating and funky dudes and dudettes, then again, maybe it’s the buzzing sda market that gets credit for all of this. A must try at the café, the Honey Chilli Potatoes, it is addictive… I would give the taco’s a miss, somehow, they don’t make you “want more”.

DSC02695Most gamers (purely online for gaming) are an interesting lot, behind those hardcore profile pictures and updates. They’re these wonderful people who are inspired by the spirit of the game and their commitment to the game that helps them develop an online persona that is formidable and when you meet them, they’re these shy and filled with ideas personalities. It is also interesting that when you absorb or listen to their understanding of games, the insights are brilliant! You know, we’ll get them to you sooner that you think… Frame Gaming, will deliver some gaming delights over the next couple of months.

It is going to be an interesting journey, being a part of their “change gaming” with  “frame gaming”… exciting times ahead…

P.S. If you’d like to get invited to Gaming Sunday leave your email id on our page DeePositive Intertainment for us to mail you about the next meet up!!