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Monday, February 25, 2013

Santa Workshop: My Story… By Ruma Bhingardive

Am sharing a an article, written by Ruma on Santa Workshop. Gave me Goosebumps when I read it. It is always wonderful to say wonderful things about projects that we create, we do create them with a lot of love. And then there comes a time, like this one, when someone shares their experience of it… and you’re moved to a place of silent and utter gratitude, that you’ve rippled your thoughts so perfectly and now they radiate back to you, through the eyes and heart of those who have experienced and experimented with the intent. Thank you Ruma…. Hugs of Gratitude!!!

Smile!!! Its infectious/contagious!!!-Gratitude!!!!Its infectious/contagious too!!!

A gal meets boy and there is love, old Story. A gal meets boy and there is gratitude, hmmm that’s a new story. Let us ponder more on the new story then (wink).

This is how I recollect my brushing shoulders with DeePositive Foundation for the first time. The journey till date has been the most enthralling; adventurous and satisfying one and I strongly believe that in years to come the world will see the real power of “GRATITUDE”.

I would love to share few of the amazing experiences with you all. Ashok Singh was the first person to introduce me to DeePositive Foundation and to mention their belief in Gratitude, Love, Faith, Sharing / Give. I still remember getting goose bumps while listening about “Santa Workshop” and thinking how I too can become a part of it (as I was in Mumbai and it was going to happen in Delhi). Starting to feel the excitement and the adrenaline rush through my veins, I decided instantly that this is my chance to do what I have been wishing to do from so long but without any platform, guidance, like minded people, common goal, I had found it always difficult to put in deeds what I had in heart and mind.

DeePositive Foundation through Santa Workshop just happened one fine day like God knocking on door and blessing me with the opportunity to spread the good news and gratitude starting from friends, family and spreading to strangers. I often used to hear that it is a small world, post 2 Santa Workshop’s I have started believing in the same. I was able to spread the word with my family, friends, neighbours, FB, acquaintances, colleagues and like a jungle fire it just spread wildly across cities and countries. The ripple effect was better that I imagined.

In my view and understanding Santa Workshop is a spectacular way of saying Thank You! Your smile means a lot!

Santa Workshop as a whole enwraps the following amazing virtues.

It is magnetic- Yes it is like a magnet. It attracts everyone instantly with the idea of distributing gifts. Everyone gets to become a Santa giving away beautifully wrapped useful gifts as small tokens of gratitude. The gifts are wrapped amongst fun and frolic by tiny or big hands and distributed on roads, signals, markets, to wish thanks to strangers, people whose efforts go unnoticed in the society. The passers-by, street urchins and many burst in smiles on receiving the cute tokens.

It is Secular-anyone can be a part of it no matter which caste, creed, nationality, religion you belong to. You are all the same in the Santa Workshop family.

It is for all ages-the Santa workshop pictures say it all, have a look and you shall find that children aged from 2-3 years to grannies and grandpas are the active members and share the same level of enthusiasm during wrapping and distribution.

It is thanksgiving-whatever gifts and blessings we have received throughout the year in our life we try to give thanks to god by gifting some to people who need them and moreover it is not charity it is sharing.

It is support sharing-we share thoughts, ideas, vision, smiles, laughs, food, peace and gifts.

It is love sharing-we share the love of god and love towards humans and humanity in a unique way.

It is giving selflessly –we give out a share from our salary our savings our time to make someone else happy and expecting nothing in return.

It is for smile sharing- we always smile while we wrap, while we distribute and those who receive smile back at us.

It is peace giving-I found peace is associating virtually with DeePositive and Santa Workshop. I was not there physically but emotionally, mentally I was present their everyday since it started, am sure my friends from Mumbai and all over who helped have received inner peace too.

It is for all-no matter if you are rich or poor-you can join in and reap the benefits -the forum is truly by the people, for the people and of the people.

It is forever-it is a perpetual chain reaction. We know we are blessed and we share our blessings in form of gifts with known and unknown people. The proof is that it was Dee’s dream and idea with germinated and branched with Ashok, Prema and since then has multiplied and grown in geometrical progression (proving many wrong and disbeliefs too rest). No offence to the mud slingers.LOL.

It is universal-Many people have come together breaking boundaries of cities, states, countries to join hands for Santa Workshop. It is a global phenomenon in a few weeks.

It the most amazing working model that I have ever seen where input is gratitude and output is multifold gratitude. It doesn’t just work with men (volunteers), money (sponsorship), material (gifts), market (place where distribution happens) it works on faith , belief, emotions, trust, love and gratitude as well.

For me assisting with Santa Workshop and DeePositive foundation has been like being in B School. In B school you come together, you learn to envison, you learn to plan strategically, you work on projects, you learn leadership, you learn to become a team player, you learn decision making, you take lead, you decide, you execute and ultimately you succeed. We all know that the B –Schools are the place where we network and we know that this network will always be with us even after we graduate and no matter where in world we stay. Similarly at Santa Workshop we get to network with peers, juniors, seniors from various industries and walks of life. There is cut throat competition in gift wrapping and distribution as who gets to wrap more and who gets to distribute more and one gets amazed at how the funds get influxed (funds don’t come from the people whom you expected from , it comes from people whom you never expected from).

So creating a whole dynamic of social centric values Santa Workshop thrives on love towards fellow human beings and gratitude towards god and people.

Since I have joined hands with the Santa Workshop team and the movement in whole I network with smiling faces all round the year and as we all know 75000 gifts became 225000 this year which shows tremendous potential and a spark of global awakening.

The web world doesn’t know the boundaries of countries anymore. Santa Workshop success is spread through word of mouth and FB mostly and with the growing alliances with the movement. The more gratitude I get the more I share; it is a never ending process as it is not related to a person, a thing or a single organization. It incepts in a single heart, runs on face with a smile, it has been found to be really contagious as it flows from one hand to another and one heart to another.

There is no stopping of this free flowing river till gratitude is alive.

So Live with Gratitude and Give with Gratitude.


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