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Monday, January 10, 2011

DeePositive 2011: Celebrate the child within

We spend a majority of our thoughts on worrying and working ourselves into an emotional frenzy trying to get things done as per our plans and goals. We’ve all been taught to make goals and persevere till we get reach each goal… diligently, following in the footsteps of every person who’s reached their goals.

Following “If x can… So can I” or “if x did… So MUST I”. It is wonderful to have x inspire you to take the first step. It is actually wonderful that you found an x who did take the first step. You’ve attracted the x who took the first step into your awareness.  You have sub consciously been asking for proof that there is an x who reached where you want to be.

Well, that’s almost all the information that you will need to BEGIN the journey  of the most unique experience of your life… discovering the UNIQUENESS of your MOTIVATION to follow through on every thought that makes you smile.

The greatest breakthrough in your life will have an external catalyst. These catalysts come in many forms, people we know, books we read, media, mediums, quotes and success stories of others. Each of these is but a path from which we CHOOSE.

The important thing to remember as we continue our  personal “thoughts become things journey called “LIFE”. The COMBINATION of the external catalyst finding and internal catalytic thought to create the LIVE event that finally becomes our EXPERIENCES.

We are all born with success in our DNA!! We are the brave ova that made it through to the world of the living and that is all the victory that you NEED to live all your life… Your greatest victory was being the lucky egg who got fertilised!!! And that is the victory celebration of each year… in human terms… YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!

So, away with all the need for external approval! You were internally approved to live the perfect life by the choices you made while you continued to evolve in your mother’s womb. You were intelligent enough to create a strategy for life in the womb. YOUR intelligence framed the story of your life even before your mother held you in her arms for the first time. Your greatest victory was the day you were born!!!

The rest, is the piecing together of all your KNOWING in the womb to the ALLOWING of this knowing into the LIVE event of your LIFE. With each year, you’ve reached a newer renewal of that which you ALWAYS KNEW… YOU developed a greater ACCEPTANCE of the way things began to turn out and life continued to be a series of events.

Till one day, your belief in everything is challenged by an external circumstance… called SOCIAL KNOWING, SOCIAL ALLOWING, SOCIAL ACCEPTING and SOCIAL MANIFESTING. You begin to BELIEVE, I am using the word BELIEVE, since there isn’t any real proof of KNOWING. Believing comes from circumstantial evidence to prove a point. so, you begin to BELIEVE:

“If x can… So can I” or “if x did… So MUST I”.

and the process of being human begins to eat into your KNOWING till it brings you back to the reality of WHO YOU REALLY ARE!! It takes many experiences to draw you back into the KNOWING you had in your womb… often leading to turning points in many relationships including that with your parents and society in general that you crave to find a deeper meaning of LIFE. Eventually, you do find your KNOWING through the deeper grasp of the inner understanding of who you are… you can call upon your deeper knowing by revisiting yourself through inventing ways to rekindle the child within. For the child within is the ALL KNOWING, ALL ALLOWING, ALL ACCEPTING and ALL MANIFESTING of your own personal reality and can bring into your awareness the greatest joy of living your life from your KNOWING in the WOMB.

The confidence of a child is the KNOWING that it was the ONE egg that made it and so, all VICTORY is theirs on DEMAND. Which is why there are references all over of CHILDLIKE FAITH, CHILDLIKE CONFIDENCE, CHILDLIKE TRUST.

Let 2011 be a year of the CHILD WITHIN!!! Celebrate the child with yourself, celebrate the child at work, celebrate the children around you!!!

Happy Manifesting 2011 to you. In Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!!


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