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Friday, January 7, 2011

“And the word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us”

In a christmas conversation with a dear friend of mine… Christine… I found an ancient truth that may have found many takers and yet the truth of the foundation is the truth of all times…

I have been ranting and raving all my life about my relationship with Jesus. How, over the years my relationship with him has evolved into a greater understanding of the person of Jesus, which is far deeper that the religious figure of Jesus which through practice has been confined to but a few who follow him.

Jesus has taken me through many masters, that I may rediscover him through each source and learn to love each person through his love for me through them and their love for me through him.

The law of attraction caught world attention through many books and practicing individuals… and yet there is a sense of emptiness in the understanding of it. There is a need for the human mind to connect with PROOF that which they believe and make it that which they KNOW.

So, as I continued to ASK GOD for a new perspective on the promise of Jesus for most of my spiritual life in the year 2010 as I wrote the first draft of my first book. I KNEW that the answer would be delivered and I knew it would happen in HIS time… for he knows best, when our hearts are open enough to accept new information. He even chooses sources through whom the information must be delivered… for the source that created us … knows our every strength and Knows every weakness of all that is created.

So, as I received the perspective through Christine, my soul sister… I knew that God chose her to share the greatest secret of the LAW OF ATTRACTION with me… that I may allow the chunk of information to dwell within my energy that I may now share it with you tooo!!!

And the WORD was made FLESH and DWELT AMONGST US!!!

God said, I will send my son…. the son manifested in the flesh and LIVED among us as the witness of the power of a THOUGHT become THING!!!

Isn’t it amazing, that when we begin to understand the person of Jesus, we begin to understand the power of creation from which ALL THAT IS is created and ALL THAT IS came into being.

God knew, we were created with a NEED for PROOF and so… Jesus came along, challenged every prevailing belief… in the knowing that the CREATOR has chosen him to ACCOMPLISH a special special role that mankind may never need PROOF again. He came that we may know that even a common man has a special mission on this earth and that unless he can take a leap in faith, his mission will continue to remain dormant, in waiting for the PROOF that the time is right!!!

And so my dear fellow readers, it gives me much joy to share that the only proof you’ll ever need is to begin to understand the powerful person of Jesus as all the proof you will ever need to understand the ways of the LAW oF ATTRACTION and the LAW OF VIBRATIONAL EXPANSION.

For the WORD was made Flesh in Jesus and he lived amongst us and the only commandment that he preached in both word and deed is to LOVE unconditionally!!

Cheers to a power perspective from which to live the divine year of KNOWING of 2011. Happy 2011, a year of new perspectives and love!!

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