Remember, you are a vibrational being.... every vibration you emit or receive... either enhances an experience or buries it!
the process is basically telling you to remain in the AWARENESS of every VIBRATION/EMOTION. Express GRATITUDE without JUDGEMENT... and release it to BE!!
I am ANGRY: Accept it... EXPRESS GRATITUDE for the AWARENESS.... CELEBRATE KNOWING that YOU ARE ANGRY. What happens is that you therefore BECOME AWARE of the CHANGE IN FLOW OF THOUGHT when you are in the EMOTION OF ANGER.
I am ANGRY... Being ANGRY is a NEGATIVE emotion... I must not feel it... let me quickly fix this... OH MY GOD... How can I be angry... x is the cause of my anger... I'll feel better if I tell x off... should I call or should i text... ( in this process you're actually suppressing the ANGER... even while reading this... by the end of part II you may have transferred the ANGER to your entire energy body... thus beginning to ATTRACT more PROOF!!
Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS for the awesome gift of EMOTIONS to guide us in understanding the gap between where we are... and where we want to be.
The conditioning of our understanding of EMOTIONS comes from our immediate surroundings. Here I don't mean THINGS, I mean people! Since each one of us is a vibration... we MUST be AWARE at all times... of the EMOTIONS of those around us to ensure that our VIBRATIONS are safe from BEING THEIR EMOTIONS!!
In an office environment for example, there is always a sense of URGENCY... even if you PERSONALLY have a profile that does not DEMAND stress... your EMOTIONAL BODY absorbs the vibration of stress from all sources around you!!
If you continue to, at the subconscious LEVEL of being... keep chanting
"Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS for the AWARENESS of all VIBRATIONS around ME"
It will be a fantastic way to consciously REMAIN in the POWER of YOUR OWN EMOTIONS instead of UNKNOWINGLY absorbing the vibrations of the environment in which you operate!!
In Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!