When the mind breaks the barrier of time… the mind becomes timeless.
Spells are written over and there is never need to fret. Most often in our lives we live the fears we have inherited… what would life be without these fears is the true recognition of the power of the universe at work in our lives. There are miracles happening every moment… and the most special miracle is being alive… and BEING.
If there was ever a doubt… release it now… the doubts that have become the basis of self analysis and grief. The doubt that maybe you are still waiting for salvation. The doubt that you are a victim of circumstances.
Every challenge is in fact an opportunity to be the person you are meant to be… in disguise. The path you decide to take… is the path you are meant to take. There is nothing in your life that is not meant to be… and the reason why you are HERE at this particular point in your life is only for you to learn from this particular.
As I write this… I know that there is more a learning for me. I am learning how to share the infinite joy and pride of the universe with the people I know and those I don’t. I am spear heading a revolution… joining those before me… and inspiring those who are to come to take on this journey from where we shall move to the next step called the human revolution.
Is there a need to be afraid…. NO… Is there a need to undermine yourself and feel the stress of the moment… NO… there is a need only to BELIEVE and feel the ONENESS with the universe and space and time. Knowing that all is for your higher good and means well.
I want you to now visualise… a stress free space… we can call this space… well.. as a friend of mine introduced it to me…. “GROUND ZERO” . This is a sacred space….
You must take this time… to live this moment of nothingness… to live this moment of complete and utter peace. This is the beginning of the manifestation of the universe and the beginning of the timeless journey into the NOW… there is nothing more important that YOU… this space is so totally yours and you know that there is no other place you would rather be….
Clutter this space with all your thoughts… with all your wants… with all that is…. See everything… feel the anxiety of this moment… knowing that you this is your creation… this clutter is only of your making… you created this space… and in your minds eye this is the space that you so identify with that it has become your greatest reality. NOW>… once you are so totally claustrophobic in this environment… take time out to create a complete mental picture… You will be able to sense the rotten feeling from deep within your body and mind in trying to deal with this situation…. Stand Back…. OBESERVE….
Now, you must bless this space… bless this space with all the love you feel…. Make this moment sacred…. Assume your rights…. Say to yourself…. “I am…. The creator of my space…. My space is sacred… I can chose every thought, every emotion, every THING… every person…. Every miracle in my space.” Take a deep breath…. Really deep…. Feel your lungs filling up… know that as you breathe in…. you are assuming the role of the creator… as you breathe out… remove any doubts you may have… release them… let them go… knowing that in this sacred moment… there is no one else but you… this is your space… and you are now going to CREATE every iota of this space.