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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Divine Intelligence

In the infinity of life where we are is always the place to be... if the innermost part of you urges you to move... know that it is divine guidance... ask yourself WHY... if the answer comes from a point of fear... you know it isn't the right choice to make.

If the answer comes with a flush of ideas and smiles... you know that it is the right thing to do and the absolute right time to do it... feel the blessings around this vision... bless the vision... release it... this is the intention that comes from the divine intelligence that created you.

Divine intelligence... your inner most self... is always dedicated, enthusiastic, empowered and positively aligned to your highest potential... know that all is well.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

D+ healing

Dedicated Empowered Enthusiastic Positive

I am Dedicated to living the best life I can, I am empowered to change any and all situations that limit my growth. I am enthusiastic about making this change...I am positively effecting this change right now. I am DeePositive!!

Smile... you have just received a power healing... Stay DeePositive!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

D+ a new perspective

The power is within you... waiting to be recognised, you live from a point of outer knowingness, unknowingly you have put a break on the true potential of creation... You.

You were born perfect, till you were taught how to speak, what to say, you were restricted to a routine you must complete in order that you may not have to live as an island journeying through life alone. You were taught community living and community skills, you were taught of right and wrong, night from day, tangible from intangible, you were taught how to survive in a crazy competitive world. You were conditioned to survive reality… the human story has been about the survival of the fittest.

DeePositive looks at this as a new period of beingness. When the meaning of a sentence changes and reveals an insight… life changes.

No man (the human individual as representing the species, without reference to sex) can live (to have life, as an organism; be alive; be capable of vital functions) as an island (Anatomy. an isolated portion of tissue differing in structure from the surrounding tissue) journeying (passage or progress from one stage to another) through life (a corresponding state, existence, or principle of existence conceived of as belonging to the soul: eternal life) alone (unique; unequaled; unexcelled).

This is just the beginning… of the newest journey of your life. Start with changing the perspective on the given... what will unfold is your inner most wisdom. I can can promise you that it will... give you a far more dedicated, enthusiastic, empowered, positive perspective of life.

I am D+... Are you!!

Perfect whole and complete... You

In the realm of life where we are all is perfect whole and complete... that is the truth we still have to learn.

I've been reflecting on the basic truth of beingness... there is something really special that I realised, we have everything we need to be happy... what we want ... is what keeps us stressed.

Life has a special way of giving us that which we truly desire... we desire... change... we receive it... what is it that keeps us from truly being content?

Think long and strong about everything you possess today, each has a history of desire... you wanted it... you forgot it... when you received it... you rejoiced... for you always wanted it.

Look at life in its totality... there is nothing that you have that you didn't wish for... you asked for each of these things... the manifestation well is a result of your state of awareness at the time.

Give yourself a chance to focus your thoughts on things that make you happy... you are the creator of your life... accept the responsibility.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Empower & Inspire

"Empower & Inspire" day. Follow your deepest instincts, share your thoughts, empower them, Inspire 1 more person to live life to the fullest. Remember, Instincts become Thoughts become Things. Happy Manifesting!!