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Monday, February 17, 2014

“Gratitude Creates” : A beginner’s date with Destiny!

When I began writing Dear God Letters or Letters to the Universe… I had no clue… that many years later… I’d be encouraging and inspiring many people to write their own letters to God and if directed to ask… call or ping me… for a deeper in-sight. The angels are sending me loads of people to work with… the subtle shift in energies is in full sway and in keeping with the intent to invite more people to a personal relationship with God…

It has been fascinating to be able to assist in correct the vibrational gaps of thought. Often, a request, made, is delayed in manifesting itself, for the one reason we most MISS out in understanding… the vibration of the self when asking and yes a deeper understanding of the language or tone in which the asking is initiated. The very simple shift is in learning to read between out words and understand the vibrational “gap”, causing the delay.

Very recently, I figured out a personal boo boo and realised, that I was really standing in the way of my own POWER, because I had chosen to hold on to the PAIN of the PAST and not make place for the GOOD GOD all-ways had in store for me. MY deep Gratitude to my relationship with God, Jesus and the angels and the many people who have “delivered” messages and experiences unto me that I may now, share this with others. Sometimes, the best inner release is to write what you think you know… and then allow GOD, The angels and Heaven to extend their assistance. The situation does not change… most often it is the way you begin to understand it that transforms. To keep it simple and effective… I am experimenting with a Project… “Gratitude Creates” a 3 hour programme of Gratitude each month… the opening event will be with 20 people only and the date will be announced when the 20th Person registers. To keep it simple and very effective … the 20 person team who is part of the event… will personally be given the details of the venue and time. While I would like to do this with many… I understand and know that the GIVING & RECEIVING has to be a choice you make and the intent will flow into experience.

It is  a paid event Rs. 2100 per person for a “date with Gratitude” where I will assist you into initiating your being into a personal experience with Gratitude. I have had a chance to experience this phenomenon both personally and with a whole lot of people I work with… and the beauty of the results is that it has been a huge learning process for me too and now, I would like to share this experience with YOU, who choose to begin an experience of Gratitude led interactions with your Higher Self, God, the Angels. I  work purely on Intent and In the Indian Context I do Understand, that the INTENT is shown in PAYING UP for services, because, that is when you HONOUR your SELF and the SERVICE BEING GIVEN and RECEIVED!

All cheques to be made in favour of “DeePositive Foundation”, You can mail me on for questions

Monday, June 17, 2013

Awestruck Tourist: “Blessings in Disguise”

There is a new lesson at work… “Blessings in Disguise”… it is like there is part of me, that is connecting to a higher vibration of BeIng! We hear often, that everything that happens, well, is a “blessing in disguise” and so, my lesson over the last few months has been “learning to unlearn” the literal meaning, or the “hue-man” meaning and draw a more “infinite invisible” and “In-Finite In-Visible”

Cleansing is an “unlearning” process, that is guided by the force withIN YOU. In this process, you learn about beliefs or vibrations of collective thought, that are BE-COMING into things and and all these things are BE-Cause you have called upon them to BE-Come into your life. By the co_creator potential within YOU! It is time to draw your “awareness” to your “asking” and when you KNOW what you are asking, that is when you will BE-ABLE to Ac-knowledge or ACCUMULATE-KNOWLEDGE that it is already “present”, for most times, our “EXPECTATIONS” or our HOW it should arrive (human perception) blocks our ABILITY to “accumulate knowledge” of the receiving and so we “miss” out on “ACCEPTING”.

If God, is “infinite invisible”, therefore, our looking for “finite visible” answers is a MISNOMER, for when the infinite invisible provides, it is a feeling that is transmitted to the “finite visible” through the “in-finite in-visible”, when acknowledged and accepted, begins to take “finite visible” form, that which we call manifestation or a miracle. Yet, the atonement (Origin:
1505–15; from phrase at one in harmony +
-ment, as translation of Medieval Latin adūnāmentum; compareMiddle English onement unity)  A-TONE-MEANT is when the “infinite invisible” vibration of a thought is transferred from the “finite visible” through the “in-finite in-visible” and the “infinite invisible” vibration of completion is released.

So, really, when we ASK, we go through the “in-finite in-visible” our first responses are received through the same source, the “in-finite in-visible”, so, before we see the manifest in the form that is accepted “that the eyes can see, the nose can smell, the hands can touch and the tongue can taste and the ears can hear”… we are given “in-tuition” “in-tent” “in-formation” “in-sight” “in-turnALL know, that it IS ready, “perfect, whole, complete” in the “infinite invisible”, waiting for you to acknowledge the vibration in “in-finite in-visible”, that you may then “radiate and celebrate” it in its “physical form” or “finite visible” form, through you! The PHYSICAL OUTCOME is YOUR INDIVIDUAL perspective, that is “HOW YOU SEE IT” and not necessarily “HOW IT IS” or “WHO IT IS”, the final outcome is another way or as it is beautifully expressed in the following quote:

“Ours is not a better way, it is merely another way” : Relationship with God: an Uncommon Dialogue By Neale Donald Walsch page 153

“Blessings in Disguise” or “Blessings in “this-guise”, is the ability to take that “A-Tone-Meant” to assist you to first grasp the “In-Finite In-Visible” vibration of the “infinite invisible” perspective and to Re:Main, Re-Member, Re-Allign your “finite visible” “receiving”!

A blessing in disguise, is a gift of the IN-Tent, IN-tuition, In-formation, In-form-action that you have been given in response to your asking. Re-Cognize their “sign-If-can-see” or significance.

Un-Learn to In-learn and re-turn to Innocence (I-know-sense)… here’s wishing you Gratitude filled In-Sights of “Blessings in Disguise”