Gratitude is all about creating from thought and living in the now of things. We have learnt it through our experience, working with Gratitude the entire year. Not everyday is a Sunny day, yet the clouds have a story to tell.
Our initiatives and associations have taught us that there is a pandora’s box of “things to be done” to assist ourselves and others to live in Gratitude! That surely does not mean that we give away all that we have, resign to a life under a lamp-post and live on CHARITY! Gratitude allows us the incredible power to connect with all that we have and expand our thoughts to expand our reality. It isn’t about CHARITY… Gratitude is about CLARITY!!
When we meet people we learn new “thoughts” and how they’re becoming “things”… we learn something new about how to assist them to assist ourselves from the “no” we learn to generate new ideas of “how" and from the “yes” we learn that there are new people we have reached! Personally, I have learnt to detach from words and attach to the feeling that I experience in communication.
We all live in a bubble of information that affects and effects change, to choose from the options presented to us, it is imperative that we understand and consume with a deeper awareness of goodness. Even though, I agree, there is more of not so good that surrounds us, there is a personal choice we make that is, at the speed of thought, converting into our realities… and it is scary to see where we’re headed!!
Keep it a simple practice in your life to SMILE at every opportunity, it is the simplest way to stay positive. Yes! Even in times, when your personal world trembles… there is still scope to smile!! A smile, is your way of keeping away the negative KNOWINGS and INFORMATION!! A smile is a powerful tool in balancing thought. Think about it this way, when you smile, you’re sending your brain a signal to attract only a corresponding effect. Your words soften and your emotions begin to settle. You are consciously making a NEW choice to stay positively manifesting a new OUTCOME! This is a brilliant way to stay a THOUGHT AT A TIME Positive and remain in a neutral space of reaction, without totally negating the circumstance presented to you.
Another add on to smiling is the practiced ability to say “thank you”!! Thank you acknowledges the present and presents you with a pause to make a new choice forward. Look back at the moments in your life, when you’ve said “thank you” to someone, for something and with a smile. In that moment you acknowledge the very NOW of that moment with Gratitude. For most people, it is in that moment, that all else has faded and the choices born from Gratitude are presented, for a new choice to be made… and this choice, well, is a confidence booster!! Words split and invite a brand new meaning and this meaning… in my personal experience, Thank You has invited a plethora of new feelings and meanings to different words!!
Take time today to create a new tomorrow… smile… you know you are creating and don’t forget to say “thank you” often enough to feel the magic work within you and through you!!